I didn’t blog once in July!
We were out of state 3/4 weeks, visiting Utah, California, and Wisconsin. It was a grrrrreat trip and so wonderful to be with so many loving people! And we got lots of good sun. AND it was also really great to get home. There’s no place like home. And there’s no people like yo’ people. And then… and then… and then…
Apollo turned 8 months old… AHHH!
I love being his mama. It makes me really happy. And it’s bittersweet watching him grow so much, but he can’t stay a baby forever, that’s just not how it works. So you just have to enjoy the moments while you have them. I feel I’ve been doing a pretty good job of that and working on being present.
I love watching him progress and learn and experience the world. Now that we’re home from our trip and he’s all mobile, he’s so content to be cruising around the house investigating everything. This boy is such a light to me. Chris and I love him mucho mucho, as do his grandparents and aunties and uncles and cousins. He was born into a family that surrounds him with love.
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