Two decades. Twenty years. That’s how OLD I am. Twenty is huge. It’s so so so much bigger that wee little 19. Wow. I am 20. Exciting stuff, yes it tis. I am loving this.
I woke up the morning to the most delightful surprise. Marianne and Kara made some beautiful little signs of 20 reasons why they love Chelsea and they got some big giant balloons. Then Marianne came in early in the morning and decorated the room for me. Those girls are so sweet and I love them so much. When I woke up I saw the sun shining outside, and balloons and pretty signs all over the room. I was just like, “Yaaayyy!” It was the happiest. Marrianne and Kara are wonderful.
You can see some of the many wonderful signs from Marianne and Kara. Then later in the day, Shamra put love nuts all over the table for me. Oh goody! You know I love love nuts. She’s such a cool roomie. I really like that funny girl.

I mostly just studied during the day, because we have serious exams coming up, but then came the night, and then came the party. Marianne, Kara, Elyse, Anne, Alexis, Annie, Shamra, Stefanie, Lauren, Stephen, and I got in a big giant taxi and rode to Ben Yehuda, because that’s where the parties happen.

We went to go get ice cream and crepes and things. I ended up with some delightful frozen yogurt and some absolutely perfect flowers!
Stephen Wilkinson, one of the coolest guys at the JC, was the lovely gentleman to get me the flowers. He’s so so good. And I love flowers so so much. They made my birthday even better than it already was!
I had so so much fun on Ben Yehuda. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS! They are the best. This was such a goooooood birthday. I had so so much fun. We had such a wonderful time, I just can’t even tell you how good it was. Happy happy happy. Yay for birthdays!

My birthday got even better we we got in the taxi on the way home and it happened to be the most hoppin’ dance party taxi on the planet. This guy had all these sweet lights in his taxi and sweet dancing jams. It was so excellent. That taxi ride was definitely, no doubt, one of the best parts of my lovely celebration of 20 years.
Being 20 is glorious. I love it. I’m so happy.
have you got the mail I sent you yet? oh I wish you a wonderful one!
oh. btw. I wish I was there to take crazy photos.
oh my freaking gosh i love you so much!!! And I’m so glad you had a happy birthday- you’ve taught me how to really love your birthday~what a good lesson to learn! It was totally fun to celebrate you~