After walking through the wadi, or the ravine, we came to THIS! This is the treasury in Petra. This is what’s shown in Indiana Jones. It was so amazing. On the walk in we saw some carvings in the rock walls and I thought those were amazing, because how do you make such good carvings out of rock like that? Then we got to the treasury and it’s this huge cave inside and the outside is the detailed, symmetrical, totally amazing architecture.
You might already know this by my camel sweatshirt I’m wearing and all of my random camel paraphernalia, but I have a strange obsession with the beloved, awkward camel. They’re the coolest.
As we walked further inside, we saw more and more amazing architecture and things. Here’s remains of a Roman theater behind Cate and I. The Romans conquered this for a while and there is a lot of Roman influence in all the architecture.
I also used a wicked cool bathroom here in Petra. The ceiling and walls were the beautiful rock that surrounds Petra. Then there were stalls inside and fortunately for me, there was a squatter! I love those squatter toilets.
This is it. This is what it’s like. There weren’t too many squatters around, but every time there was, you know I took full advantage of the opportunity and used it.
Along with the fascinating squatters, there was also this mountain shaped like a camel. Yay!
Then we hiked up 850 steps or something, and a big ol’ mountain, up to the monastery, which is probably the most amazing part of it all right now. This is Heidi and I in the beautiful rocks.
Then… we made it to the monastery, which is similar to the treasury kinda, but way cooler. Wow. I love being here so much. I have never seen things like this before. This is the most incredibly experience. I am such a lucky ducky.
We were trying to spell J-o-R-d-A-n. We did pretty fabulously.
Hooray for this. Lisa, Elyse, and Chelsea… Petrified in Petra. Check out that monastery behind us, totally just carved right out of the rock. It’s perfect.

On the hike out I discovered another cool little buggie bug. So I put my camera on super macro and took some sweet pictures of little bug.
All in Petra there are Bedouins and little children who are trying to sell you things. This one girl was soooo cute. All of the kids here are just so beautiful and so sweet and are so interested in us. I love them.
As I said goodbye to Petra, I thought I’d throw a goodbye kiss at the camel too. Actually, I didn’t really kiss it, it was scary. It’s creepy putting your face so close, especially with their beastly long tongue. Who knoww what could happen.
Petra was so incredible. I need to think of more adjectives to describe all of these things, but they really are just incredible and you need to see these things for yourself. Petra is 100% awesome though. Loved it muchos.
this is so freaking amazing….
I remember those squatters back in taiwan, they’re disappearing though.
Miss you too much Chelsea… wish you have a great birthday too!
wait for my mail!
Dude your blog is like one of my favorites to read. You are so funny (and freakin’ adorable)
I love you and I am glad we can snuggle all the time!!
Chelsea, you are a wonderful blogger with great pictues and scripts. God bless the camels and the squatters. Keep having the time of your life! love ya,