The Old City has quite a few gates to go into, but we usually always go in through Damascus. But today… we went through New Gate! We explored unseen realms of the Old City! Marianne, Cate, Lauren, and I were on a hunt for churches and pools and other historic sites, but we didn’t find too many of them. We did have a fun little adventure today though, as always.
We came across Casa Nova Road… oooh la la.
The streets are the coolest.
There are sweet doors too.
And there are the biggest cadbury bars ever. Coo coo ca choo huh? Yep.
We were hunting for Hezekiah’s Pool and thanks to Shabaan, we found it. Basically, it’s this dried up little cesspool that has turned into a garbage can. The old pictures of it are sweet though.
I think we found St. Jean’s Church too, but we had to go through a secret mini door to get into the courtyard. It was pretty though.. And if you look closely enough, you’ll see a mini Marianne and a mini Chelsea in the bottom of the picture.
We also went back to Christ Church today. It is so lovely. Everything is amazing. Hopefully we’ll go to mass there this Sunday.

After our sightseeing, we of course we through the little shopping district. We did a little exploring in one of the many amazing bead/jewelry shops. I of course bought more nuts too. Mmmm…. yummy.
We exchanged money at Aladdin’s too, and on the way is this store with these child mannequins outside. One has a huge megaphone in its head, and this one has its face bashed in. They’re a rough looking crowd. I’ll end with this today.
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