Right after Yad Vashem we went to Mt. Herzl, which is a cemetery and memorial where Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern political Zionism, is buried. Our Judaism teacher, Ophir, came and gave us a tour there for a few hours and told us all about zionism and other stuff. However, the whole time we were there, I had zero desire and zero ability to pay attention to anything. So I just wandered around and took a lot of random pictures.
Anne, Chelsea, and Annie being a human menorah, sort of

Ophir telling us about zionism perhaps
a classic field trip pose
Chris and Annie sitting in the sunshine learning some good stuff
Jeff field trippin’
this is what Heidi looks like after touring all day
Chris on a bench
Moon offering some drugs aka tylenol pm she got from the bus doc
Cate and her pretty purple lips. It got a wee bit chilly.
Random Picture #1: my beautiful bag on the ground
I love trees.
I love ones like this too.
I love little flowers.
I love flowers. I especially love them in my hair.

I love when people where converse, especially Moon.

I love taking pictures of myself in people’s aviators.
See, I really do like it.
I love butterfly kisses.

I think this is the grave or memorial for Hertz, but I’m not sure. I wasn’t listening at all. My attention span was only so long, and it was all used up at the museum.

Instead of listening, I took pictures of the army people that were there. Every person has to do like two years of civil service. We see groups of them quite often around this Israel land.

These two girls had sweet little hats on. And the one had a purple hat and a purple bag. You gotta dress up those drab army clothes somehow.
When we were walking out I saw this sign and how could I not pose like a little puppy dog by it. You know I’m a puppy.
Here’s our bye bye field trip faces. Bye bye.
1 Comment
I hate that I have to do the civil service in Taiwan too.. ahhh I miss you.