Third Shabbat in Jerusalem… go to the Garden Tomb, but only after having church in the most beautiful building in Jerusalem and after having Sacrament Meeting in a chapel with hug windows that overlook the whole city. This here chapel definitely has the best view ever.
Going to the Tomb!!
So people aren’t 100% positive that this tomb was the one Jesus used, but they’re preeettttttty sure. This tomb and wine press place belonged to Joseph of Arimathia, and he gave his tomb for Jesus to use. From the clues and info we get from the Bible about it, this tomb was could definitely be Jesus’s. In my opinion, it was his tomb, and I got to go inside today. 

Moon and Chelsea, waiting to go inside the tomb, and waiting to see where Jesus laid and where he rose.

This is it, the entrance to the tomb. This isn’t quite how it looked way back in the day, because there was like an earthquake or something that knocked down part of the entrance, and some people rebuilt hundreds of years ago, but it is so cool. The inside of the tomb was much smaller than I thought it would be though.

Into the tomb… and as someone else is coming out, which makes the picture a wee bit creepy.

Plaque on the door: “He is not here, for He is risen.” 

Some cool peeps chillin’ outside the tomb on the benches.

Beautiful Jessica (who gave an excellent talk in church today), in the beautiful garden.
This place is beautiful. Today we had a little tour guide guy who told us all about everything, and I’m excited to go back when I can just go back and find and nice little secluded spot to write in my journal. You gotta love that journaling, especially on Shabbat, especially at the Garden Tomb.

Cate and Miriam… smiling as we’re about to sit there and sing beautiful hymns. He is Risen, Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today, How Great Thou Art, and I Know that My Redeemer Lives. It was so good sitting in the park at the Garden Tomb, singing beautiful hymns about the Savior and about the Resurrection. Being here in Jerusalem is incredible.

Marianne and Chelsea, saying goodbye to Garden Tomb, until a couple Shabbats from now.

Flowers! The area around the Garden Tomb is like a beautiful little park, with flowers and pathways, and to top it off, the tomb is there. Wow.

Leaving the Garden Tomb, with my new found flower. Oh how I miss putting the beautiful Hawaiian flowers in my hair…

A beautiful sunset, the end to a fabulous Shabbat.

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