Wednesday… another field trip! We have the coolest field trips around here.
We went to the Kotel tunnels. They are a bunch of tunnels underground along the part Western Wall that is underground. More city was built up on top of the wall waaaay back in the day. There was this guy who took us all around through the tunnels and explained all of this incredible history to us. Again, it’s hard to realize I’m actually here in the Holy Land.

Waiting around for the tour to start…

Schlomo… hehehe. I don’t know what this sign was on, but I took it as we were waiting around.

Seven branch candelabra, symbol of Judaism.
Chelsea + Western Wall + Dome of the Rock
Western Wall (most holy site to Judaism). Dome of the Rock (one of the Islam’s holy places).
The Rampton brothers, of Eagle River, Alaska! Yay Alaska crew!
Lauren and Chelsea… happy in Jerusalem and at Kotel! Time for the tour!
model of the 2nd temple, which was destroyed in 70ish AD.
Pretty signs…
Our tour guide, who told us about this stone that the Romans could not destroy. This one single stone is bigger than a bus! How did they do it?
As all field trips are… this one was fabulous as well. The tunnels were pretty crazy daisy. And it’s so interesting learning about all this history. And learning why the Western Wall is so sacred and holy, and learning what it was like way back in Jesus’s time. This place it soooo good. Jerusalem all the way. Yay yay.
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