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November 17th

17 November 2014

Monday. FHE – noite familiar.

Everyday, I feel so grateful for our home. I love it. Chris bought it shortly after we met two and a half years ago. What a good choice he made for a first home! I love it so. I love that it’s ours (I mean the mortgage company’s, and a small part of it is ours – I’d choose the wall in the kitchen and the natural wood doors and trim, and the black door knobs, and the two huge windows in the living room).

I’m grateful our house is nice and clean (right meow) and that we have a washer!

I’m grateful for this family nap moment that I saw at my sista’s house. IMG_0240Here’s a picture of Chris’s yellow breakfast. Grateful for our foods. Thank you farmers and so many other people along the way that help bring food into my home!!IMG_0165I’m grateful that instead of saying “no”, I said “yes” and did a puzzle with little Natalie girl!IMG_0239I’m grateful for a foot rub from my honey boy. I’m grateful for clean sheets. I’m grateful for our kitchen table and chairs, and our other furniture too. I love our home.

I’m grateful that my dad is funny. IMG_0179Today, I am most grateful for Empty Nesters FHE. Chris and I hosted it at the Palmer Palace tonight and the empty nesters in the ward and the missionaries came over. It was great! Yummy sourdough waffles, and a super good veggie quiche with basil in it. I’m really picky with eggs, but these were goooood. And I’m grateful for that. I want to like eggs. :)

It was soooooooo good getting to know everyone better. I love the conversation space in our home. It is so good to sit around and talk.


November 3rd

3 November 2014


Chris and I stayed up till just after midnight, but I was sleepy and sometimes I’m narcoleptic, and I fell lying in front of the heater in my fabulous pink tights (that I bought from Claire’s on a high school volleyball trip like ten years ago). Well miss Edel Cradle came and laid right by me and it was sweet and I love her and she’s a really good cuddler. I’m grateful that I love Edelweiss.

Morning came and we took the pooch out for her usual walk and ball tossing escapade. Since it’s snowy, the kitty no longer joins on our jaunts. I’m grateful for the trails next to our house and for the great chuck it balls and ball launcher, because it all keeps our doggy quite happy, and Chris and I enjoy it too. I love the morning walks, even if some mornings I lay in bed on my phone, until I’m too hungry or have to pee so bad that I finally get out of bed. True story.


I’m really grateful the my sister Holly and her family live just five minutes away from us. It is so nice. I love being in their home, playing with my nieces, watching the chickens, talking with them, playing games, eating… it’s great. I’m grateful they have a great washer and dryer that we’ve been using sometimes lately; our washer is broken which is lame. But it’s nice that Sister lets us use hers!


I’m grateful for cool treasures and for opportunities to serve others. Serving helps me and it makes me feel mo better.


And I’m so so grateful for our ward’s “empty nester’s FHE!” That’s Family Home Evening, where you get together with family type people on a monday night and enjoy lovely things and learn something together. Chris and I went to our friends’ home and ate together with other friends, and then heard a nice message and had a good discussion. Oh there’s so many people I love so much and I’m grateful to be loved by them.

I’m grateful that our kitty Bel likes Jesus.


PS. Chris had a mustache for 24 hours. And I’m grateful for the laughs that came from it, and that he doesn’t have a mustache anymore. :) I love my honey boy husband mancub Christoph.