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Alaska, Uncategorized

Homer Saturday

13 June 2010

I love Holly and Jordin’s house. It is our family hot spot. Tis equipped with a mighty successful greenhouse, many chickens, a meadow, fresh bread, darling girls, and a lovely HoJo. I am always there on Saturdays, and on the other six days of the week too.

Saturday means Homer’s fabulous farmers market! But not much is growing yet, so I didn’t buy any veggies, just homemade chapstick. Yum.

Saturdays usually include a trip to the beach. But of course most days include a trip to the beach! Beach=happy.

Today I went to a happening birthday party at the park! Have I told you how much I love birthdays?

I miss mine and Stacy’s Hawaii house and our fun times of fun, but we had a fun day of Homer sun and fun today. 
And does it get any better than spending your day with a darling girl such as this one?

Alaska, Uncategorized


12 June 2010

Cleaned boats in the freezing harbor last night.
I miss the warmth of Hawaii.
But at least I’m making monies.

[harbor fun last summer and chillin with some of Brother’s fishies]

Stopped at the store on my way home to buy veggies, since I haven’t been eating enough of them, and talked to some dude sitting out front for 15 minutes.

He’s 50, from northern California, and just hitchhiked up here. He wants to get a job on a boat, preferably with Johnathan Hillstrand. He was smoking a cigarette and sitting on his bag, which full of a down sleeping bag, carhartts, and such. He was asking me about the harbor and possible work down there and then he was telling me about his adventures here. Twas very interesting and good talking with him.
His name is Eugene.

Alaska, Uncategorized

Thankful Thursday

11 June 2010

I am thankful that my dandelion wishes are coming true.
I am thankful for dandelions, little bits of sunshine scattered all over the green ground.

I am thankful I jumped in the ocean today.
I am thankful to be home living with my mama.
I am thankful to be making sweet monies with boat cleaning.
I am thankful for my sweet subi.
I am thankful I discovered the Forrest Gump soundtrack.
I am thankful I saw a cute baby and mama moose tonight.
I am thankful the sun doesn’t set till like 11ish.
I am thankful I’ll be in Utah on Monday.
I am thankful for fresh vegetables.
I am thankful I caught up on blogging.

I am thankful for the glorious times I am sharing with my darling nieces, who I love so so much.

Alaska, Uncategorized


7 June 2010

   Dad picked up Sister and I in Anchorage airport after we finally made it a couple hours late, problems in the “fog bank”.

   Twas a lovely drive down to Homer with moose, a jump in the snow, peanuts, the Forrest Gump soundtrack, a couple Alaskan outhouses, and of course Matilda.

   Got to Homer and went to the Keintz home, where I playing with my darling nieces, Holly, Jordin, and Yisa. Ate some yummy food, as is customary at Holly’s house, saw their lovely garden and chickens, and walked around with Cody boy.

   We visited Mama at the ice cream shop. I had a bit. Weird. It’s been forever, and I think I still don’t like ice cream. Walked around the boardwalk holding Natalie’s hand and picking dandelions. Lovely.

   Got asked to teach a Sunday school class. Excellent.
   As soon as I walked into church I met with the 2nd counselor in the bishopric and I already have a calling as a primary worker. Thank goodness. I need a calling; I’m feeling deprived after being released.
   Guess who else was released from his calling today? Bishop Gold. Sad he’s done. But he did so so so good. Bish was the best. Oh I miss 20th ward and so many other things about this past year in fabulous Laie.
   But it is lovely being home with my dearest family. Can’t wait for Jakey Bob to get here soon!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Aloha Oe

5 June 2010

My last 24 hours in Hawaii for a while…. :( :( :(

Drank some fresh coconut juice.


Very much enjoyed some tie dying. Muchly.


Had some yummy brekkie with these lovelies.
Did some sensational trampoline jumping.
Walked to the beach in our new tie dyed attire.
Enjoyed the Hawaiian Pacific with these little friends of mine.
Then we had to say goodbye. :( :(
Twas so sad. :(


So many goodbyes to give.


Aloha and mahalo to the Remunds who so graciously gave Sister and I a ride to the airport. Such good people I have know and love.


Aloha Oe to my wonderful life in Hawaii. Till we meet again.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized


3 June 2010
Yes, Anito is now a brunette, and a very beautiful one too. I love her muchos.
I finished all my homeworks and exams and feel semi-free, but I still have lots to do, packing, cleaning, mahalos, alohas.
I was sitting on a nice little bench yesterday and met this little friend that flew over to my hand. Her name is Bella.
I sat there on that bench with Bella and thought about how grateful I am for so many people here and how much I am going to miss them. 
So I went and fetched some mahalo/aloha cards and am going to give them to some lovely people that I am so grateful for and so sad to say goodbye to.
My friend Seven gave me a card telling me so many nice things. It made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I want to make other people feel that way too.
Twas also a lovely beach day today with these two ladies.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Back to 129

3 June 2010

Went to my old room in Hale 2 tonight, 129.
Good times in there with my dear Lilly girl.

It’s Nicola’s room now.
She’s the new RS pres too when I leave.
I told her everything I know and I everything I learned
about being Relief Society president.

I was so sad to hand over my magical folder full of 20th ward RS goodness, but it’s time. And I know this girl will do marvelously.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


3 June 2010

My friend Seven gave me the most wonderful card today saying thank you and goodbye and such. It was so so so nice.
It made me realize I need to do that too.
I went around to a couple of my professors and told them thank you muchos for teaching me and being wonderful and excellent.
Then I went to the bookstore and now I’m in the process of writing a bunch of mahalo and goodbye cards.
It is such an excellent thing to do.
Many mahalos to Seven for changing my life.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


1 June 2010

My Memorial Day celebrations began Sunday evening, with a bike ride to the Sheri Dew and Wendy Nelson fireside. Excellent.
Then Yesenia, Mariah, and Anito came over here! We watched PS I Love You and of course whipped out the craft basket!

After hinting for many months, Anito finally slept over with us. :)
At 2 am, there was a giant roachie creeping across my floor, but I killed him no prob.
I ate some yummo quinoa and berries for brekkie then we beached!

It was cloudy though, so then we got ready to bus it to Kaneohe since we sold our car.
TheBus… always an adventure. It was not bad at all this time. I have puked before on there though. It was kind of awesome. TheBus is cool beans though. By the way, Anita’s head isn’t actually that small as the picture shows. hehe

We went to the mall and Ross and shopped. I didn’t feel like shopping or doing much at all. I don’t like feeling like that. Nope.
But I did by a cutesy dress and some yummy yummy dark dark chocolate. I love dark choco. So twas successful.
And of course it’s always lovely playing with these two girls, especially when Anito has werthers in her mouth. :)
We bussed it back home, went to Foodland, and got some serious mango sorbet, Sissy’s new favorite.

Then fun fun fun…!
Beach photoshoot complete with sun hat, giant rainbow umbrella, ukulele, and beach swing!

I love Matilda Hilda Ukulele.
And I very much love life here in Hawaii,
especially fun times with Anito (newly brunette) and Sister!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Last Sunday :(

31 May 2010

I am so sad to leave BYUH 20th ward. I love this ward so so much.
   It was so sad to have our last Relief Society presidency meeting this morning. I’m not ready to be done with that. And I was quite sad in my last PEC meet for a while too. I really love those meetings. I have so enjoyed my Sundays full of meetings and visits.

   It was especially sad when the ward sang Aloha Oe to those of us who are leaving this week. And the bishopric came around and put leis on all of our necks during the song… ah I will miss this place, and this ward, and especially my current bishopric, and especially Bishop. He is the greatest.
   I’ve learned so much from him. And he taught the lesson today during Priesthood/Relief Society and it was so good. He talked a lot about happiness (my favorite thing) and how the Gospel is our source of complete happiness. True true. And I love the Gospel too.
   And in a few weeks I’ll be finding out where I’ll preach it! :D

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


30 May 2010

I love mangoes.
Especially when I get to pick them fresh off my friend’s mango tree after playing a sweet round of bananagrams!

Amidst our recent times of fresh mangoes, we have also had a few more cockroach encounters. Fortunately we’ve just found them dying on their backs. 
I’ve also decided that I really like stripes, though not necessarily in this quantity, and it is most likely best to not wear such an outfit in public, even to a Wizard of Oz play.

Stacy has been doing a bit of riding of bike lately. I love it. She must love it too. Seriously who wouldn’t?
Life is splendid for me, here and now, and forever more. 
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Aurevoir Wilma!

29 May 2010

We sold our car today.
So perfectly it worked out.
I love when things work out; it seems to happen that way a lot for me.
Tis lovely a nice envelope full of cash now. I’ve missed cash. :)
But now I miss Wilma.

Mahalos to our car Wilma for facilitating muchos adventuring for us around the blessed isle.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

ces derniers temps

28 May 2010
I LOVE splendid nights of arts and crafts and lovely ladies!
Sister makes some yummo yummo curry and I love eating it. 
I got a random new dress and hat. Cool beans huh? Yes, I kinda likeo. 
Did some hw on the beach. 
Finished my research paper, and I feel very free. I love free.

P.S. Do your home and visiting teaching! :)

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Sweet Dreams

26 May 2010

I really love being told “Sweet dreams!”
I love it a lot.
Unfortunately I don’t think I will have sweet dreams tonight,
or any dreams, or much sleep at all.
I’m working on a research paper that I must turn in tomorrow.
I really really really do not like writing papers.
I just want this to be done.
I just want to sleep.
I just want sweet dreams.
But so much so much to do.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

riddles and missionaries

24 May 2010


-Mahalos to Elder Thompson, for bringing so many very random jokes and funnies to the world, and especially to ward council and Sunday School.
-Mahalos to Sister Thompson, for being such a wonderful Relief Society mentor and for giving my presidency and I yummy cookies tonight.
-Mahalos to the Remunds, for supporting 20th ward in every way and for being such wonderful people. They will be so missed when they leave in a month.

Missionary couples are the best. I want to be one someday, preferably in Jerusalem. :) I guess now I’ll just settle for going on my own mission this fall, and pretty sure not in Jerusalem. Hopefully I finish my papers in the next two weeks! 
{Here’s my old Relief Society, my first one here at school. I love this RS so much. But I especially love so so much the one we have now and the one from Winter. Ah I love those sisters muchos.}

Only one more Sunday in BYUH 20th ward. I am so sad about that. Oh I will miss it so, during church stuffs the entiiiire day, visiting sisters, meeting with Bishop, planning things with presidency,  meetings galore, learning lots and lots… it’s the best. What a glorious five months this has been.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


22 May 2010

The other day while I was supposed to be working on my research paper, I somehow started to watch ImprovEverywhere videos. Check them out here. It’s a super cool little organization that brings lots of “chaos and joy” to people’s lives. I love them. Funnnnny stuffs.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


21 May 2010
And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on
the blessed and happy state
of those that keep the commandments of God. 
For behold, they are blessed in ALL things,
both temporal and spiritual;
and if they hold out faithful to the end
they are received into heaven,
that thereby they may dwell with God
in a state of never-ending happiness. 
O remember, remember that
these things are true for the Lord God hath spoken it.
Mosiah 2:41