Remember my niece Natalie?
Well after an unfortunate encounter with Holly’s haircutting scissors,
she has now sort of become my nephew Nate. :)
Though with some headbands, large flowers, and a semi proper haircut by Holly,
things should be growing back to normal in a few years or so.
Today is Brother’s birthday.
I like him a lot.
I’m so glad he’s my brother.
And I’m so glad he’s back in the harbor because I absolutely love visiting him.
He’s super cool.
I love being with Jakey Boy.
I’m so happy he’s here.
And I’m so happy about the wicked awesome family party we had.
Holly girl is the best hostess.
And Brother is the best birthday boy,
and the best brother.
I woke up early this morning.
Hence today is going fabulously.
Spent a couple hours on the beach, running, frolicking, visiting the eagles, journaling, and listening to sweet jams.
Sister came after a bit too. She’s fun to play with.
And I played with my darling nieces this afternoon too.
We ventured to the store and I bought some dark chocolate. 60% cacao. Delightful.
Today is Sasha’s birthday.
No wonder it is such a good day!
Sasha has truly blessed the earth with her wonderful self.
She is such a lovely lady full of randomness and joyfuls.
How could you not love her?
I really think anyone that meets her instantly falls in love.
I know I did. I’m so lucky she’s my goodie friend.
Today is also grand because it’s marks the anniversary of Katie and Nathan‘s year of wedded bliss!
You couldn’t meet a more spledid couple.
I just love these two muchos and am so happy they found each other and that they’ll spend eternity together!
Their joy is contagious.
And their wedding pictures are marvelous.
One of the best parts of today was…
Natalie and I had much much very much fun.
I love tie dye.
Today was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
And note to self: always get up early.
I just got home from cleaning 8 boats in 5 hours in a torrential downpour.
And I got to see three beautiful rainbows tonight.
I listened to General Conference podcasts while cleaning,
both in English and Portuguese.
Though I only understood a few Portuguese words.
I am so happy I’ll be speaking Portuguese… in Brazil!
I love cleaning boats (or I love the monies I get from it).
I like smelling like fish and bleach and wearing sweats and xtratufs.
I love the harbor, especially since Brother is there now.
I love the people, the smells, the sounds. Good stuff.
One thing I do not like however, in fact one of the few things that really angers me,
is when I accidentally rip my headphones out of my ear.
It’s so annoying and never fails to aggravate me.
That happened a couple times tonight. Annoying.
But luckily I only get angry for like 2 seconds
and then I’m back to enjoying the rainbows and sunshine.
It’s so obnoxious when I rip them out though.
One other slight annoyance of boat cleaning,
is when the hose sprays me in the face.
Kind of unpleasant, kind of funny.
Either way, it’s all worth the money.
to this
I’m so so allergic today and am not feeling too adventurous. So I’m just chillin’ here in my race car bed exploring the options for blog remodeling.
Sister and I went on a nice little beach/Spit run this morning and created some lovely beach art with driftwood.
I’m eating edamame right now. Yum.
I’ll be spending many hours in the harbor tonight, again, as I have seven boats to clean.
It’s another low key summer day. I need to start more adventures and projects.
On Monday I went to Stephen Wilkinson’s stake fhe and he took Heather Wilson and I all around BYU after getting us shaved ice. Twas an absolutely lovely Monday evening. BYU is super cool.
Mr. Ken organized a sweet laser tag party! After it, my first laser tag experience, we got shaved ice. Why is there so much of that stuff in Utah? Weird. And by the way, I pretty much got 5th place in laser tag, out of 19 people I think. Is that super good or what? I thought I was like the worst, but apparently I’m pretty awesome.
Then we went and played at the park!! Mahalos to the Hathaway’s aerobe for keeping us so occupied. And then we went and watched School of Rock at Rampton’s house. This was pretty much the best Wednesday night in the history of Wednesday nights.
Thursday I went to Temple Square and most fortunately ran into Sister Tamarra Kemsley! I learned so much from this wonderful missionary for the short time I got to talk with her.
And then it was Suzie Skinner’s birthday party!! I love birthdays and I love the Skinners, so naturally it was a perfecto evening of fun. And I got to jump on the trampoline, play signs, and chill at the Skinner’s party palace. Who wouldn’t love that.
The Bozungs, Jordan, Josh, SW and I went to Manti for the Mormon Miracle Pageant. That was so excellent. I loved it muchos. Jordan and Josh disappeared on us, but Stephen and I had such a glorious time.
And the next day it was Elyse’s farewell! She’s headed to the D.R. soon. Ahhh I am so so happy about all these peeps I saw there and that I got to hear Elyse’s wonderful talk!
My Jerusalem family is the best.
I love all of those people that I went to the BYU Jerusalem Center with so much.
I just wish I could see them more.
But I’m so so so happy that I got to party and play with so many of them all week long!
Ahhh it was the best, because they are the best!!
I miss everyone!
One thing I really really love about Utah is the many beautiful temples all over the place.

And the Bozungs, Josh, Jordan, Stephen Wilkinson, and I went down to Manti to watch the Mormon Miracle Pageant. I loved all that so much!
After a long night of cleaning boats and then playing on the beach with Cody, I drove over to Holly and Jordin’s to take Cody home. Then when I left at 12:30, I just made a baby stop at the stop sign and most unfortunately there was a cop in the midst and I got pulled over for not stopping. Poo.
The bright lights of the police cars were just blinding me in my rearview mirror.
Officer asked me for license, insurance, and registration.
I gave him my license.
I had no insurance info with me, since insurance just kicked in at midnight.
And as for registration… it had expired 2.5 years ago. Bugger.
Even a bigger bugger, and the biggest bugger of all, is that Mom and I put an extra unexpired registration sticker from a different car on my license plates last summer. Realized it wasn’t registered and didn’t want to pay $100 to register it for the month I had left to drive it, so for some reason we thought it’d be okay with a different sticker on it.
Can I just tell you now, don’t put fake stickers on your plates. :) It’s pretty dumb and I don’t know what we were thinking, but I kind of forgot about it until today, but now it’s all I’m thinking about.
So Officer was asking me about it and I played dumb for a minute, and realized that was bad bad bad. So I told him that yes, we put the sticker from the other car on there because I didn’t want to register it for that last month I’d be driving it. And before that, I don’t think I really realized it was unregistered because I don’t pay attention to things like that and nobody else cares much about that car. And I only drive it for like three months out of the year.
I have to appear in court on the 20th of July. If I don’t go, there will be a warrant for my arrest basically. On the ticket thing he gave me it says misdemeanor for faulty use of registration/plates or something. Apparently I’m a criminal now. :) That’s kind of a problem I think. Another problem… there’ll be a fine. Another problem… I have to register the car now before I can drive it again, but they took my old registration info and both of my license plates for evidence or something. Weird.
The life of a criminal is not the best, especially when you’re trying to prepare for a mission. :D
Now for some good news. I didn’t get a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. And… I just saved a bundle on car insurance by switching to geico.
I am reunited with my Subaru!!
It has been resurrected and I am so happy!!!
I’ve been without her for so long and now I love her even more!
I can’t wait for all the happiness my sweet ride will bring me.
It might look like an ordinary rusty Alaska car on the outside, but step inside and it is so much much more.
My car is just the greatest place in the world and I could sit in there all day. Sometimes I do. :)
I rediscovered this magical quote in there too, along with many other fun finds.
It’s grand being back in Homer with my family and with my car that I love so much, but I really miss my Jeru peeps that I got to play with all last week. I just have so much love and appreciation for those blessed souls I spent four glorious months in Jerusalem with. Love love love.
I miss Lola.
I miss Lola.
I miss Lola.
Could a girl ask for a better bike?
The answer is no.
I miss her spoke beads.
I miss her basket.
I miss miss miss ringing her bell.
I especially miss those multi colored candy stripes.
Oh there is no more beautiful bike on campus.
I miss all the time we spent together.
I miss all the places she took me.
I miss all the people she introduced me to.
I miss so many things.
Lola, I miss you!
I missed my little cruiser bike Lola even more when I rode Holly’s mountain bike this morning, and had to learn the hard way that you do not brake by back pedaling.
June 17 – June 20 the Farnworth fam bam stayed at Three Peaks Lodge in St. Anthony, Idaho.
While we were there, we did some spelunking in an old lava tube. I loved that muchos.
And a few of us peed outside.:)
The traditional Farnworth family auction took place too of course. Chasey boy picked his toe jam for that one.
The Five Dollar Game is a classic too. Another classic is that Jenny and Joe won. Apparently that happens a lot. :)
We had some honey nut cherrio parties too. Yum yum.
The night we played dippity-dippity-dip was so fun and so hilarious. Loved it.
Then sadly, we had to say goodbye to everyone. And I am so so glad that this Shara and Abby girl came up.
It was such an excellent time hanging out with all those sweet family peeps. And there were little kids galore! But luckily they had a plethora of toys to keep them occupied. I just loved it though.
There are currently 71 souls in the family for Grandma and Grandpa. 60 were there. 8 weren’t able to make it. And 3 more were watching and enjoying from Heaven.
Families are the greatest. I’m so glad mine is for forever.
Picture this.
It’s not every day you’re driving next to
an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. :D
Right now I should be in AK running Homer’s annual 10 K race.
The Spit Run.
I’ve ran it pretty much every summer since I was 5.
That’s a lot of times.
Wish I wasn’t missing it this year.
But I’m in Utah and it’s been splendid.
I’ve spent so much time with good family and good friends.
Partying up a storm and I’ve loved it.
It has been so wonderful seeing all this family and friends.
But it is always nice to get home and back to regular life.
Happy Fathers Day to my most favorite daddy-o in the whole world.
This dude is the coolest. Let me tell you why…
-He is an extreme, hard core, mountain man. He ventures in the wilderness alllll the time, whether in the mountains or the ocean. I just love that Dad is such a cool nature adventurer, because he has taught me how good it is and I absolutley love love our bajillions of camping, kayaking, and hiking trips. I just have such glorious adventures with him.
-My pops is one healthy guy, always exercising and staying active, and always eating right. This man has taught me well, thank goodness. Good health is just the greatest. You only have one body so you may as well take good care of it.
-Dad is such a hard worker and so thrifty and conservative. Sometimes a little too conservative :). But I have learned so many good things from how he is. This father of mine is always always teaching me and hopefully I’m always learning.
-My dad is one funny bunny. Oh my goodness he pretty much cracks me up very very muchos often.
-Another great things about Daddy-O is that is always does his home teaching. Nice work.
So much of the wonderful goodness in my life I owe to my dear ol’ dad. Many mahalos to him for taking such good care of me and my dear siblings. He has been such an excellent father and I’m so lucky to have him. Love you Pops.
Mama and I had a very very lovely drive up to Anchorage.
Tis goooood to be here in Utah with all this fun fam.
But tis very hard being vegan while not at home.
Expensive too, missing out on boat cleaning monies.
I love this fam lotso lots though.
I really want to see mi amigos from Jeru.
I’m so so happy Shara is here.