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set apart

25 January 2010

Sister and I decided to go for a Sunday evening stroll on the beach.
And of course we came back with lots of pictures!

P.S. My presidency and I finally got set apart today.
Makes me so grateful for the priesthood
and so grateful for my wonderful bishopric.

I love church.
Had hours and hours of meetings today.
But I like it.
They come with the new calling,
Relief Society president.
Which I also really really love a lot.
A lot.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

29 years ago

22 January 2010
my wonderful parents got married.
What a joyous day that was!
And what a joyous day it is today!

It’s Thankful Thursday.
I’m thankful my parents were married in the temple.
And I’m thankful how good things are now,
even though they’re divorced. :)
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Miss Lola

21 January 2010

I miss my bike.
She has a flat tire.
I am devastated.
I miss her so much.
But it’s been nice walking on my wonderful feet.

I like feet, especially when they’re bare.
And I love my bike. I miss her.
I miss my nieces too.
And I really miss peace and quiet.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Shabbat Shalom!

18 January 2010

“May your day of no work be peaceful.”

My day was definitely peaceful, though not very restful. It was quite a busy busy day, filled with almost six hours of church meetings. But that’s how it goes these days, and I like it. And I really love love Relief Society.

Anita dear came over tonight too. We had a little art night creating birthday cards for our favorite missionary, Leana.

Holly and Jordin emailed me this darling picture of my darling nieces. I miss them so much.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

an evening with Lola

16 January 2010
What does one do when one doesn’t know what to do?
One get’s on one’s beautiful bike and just rides, for hours, while listening to Harry Potter audiobooks.
That’s what I did this evening, and it was absolutely beautiful in every single way. I had such a marvelous time. I love my bike so so much.

I watched Invictus tonight too. Twas quite good. Where would the world be without people like Nelson Mandela?

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Curse you, dairy.

15 January 2010
I feel sick.
My stomach hurts.
I ate popcorn with butter on it and do not feel good.
I would like to throw up.
I stopped eating dairy in July, and now whenever I eat it I feel sick. Dairy is why I kept getting stomach aches over Christmas break, because I ate so many yummy cookies full of milk and butter. But I’m glad my stomach can’t handle dairy anymore, because I don’t like it at all. Not at all.
With the exception of the dairy stomach ache, I had a delightful day, and an even more delightful night! I had a fun little party with these lovely ladies this evening and it was marvelous.

We drank yummy yummy delectable tea.
We ate quinoa.
We painted our nails.
We watched 500 Days of Summer.
We ate homemade popcorn.
And we talked, a lot.
I love these girlies.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

I love Avatar!

14 January 2010

Especially in 3D!

But seriously, it is such a good movie. I loved it. I wish I was as connected to nature and trees and energy as the indigenous people in the movie. So good. And the 3D was pretty much awesome. Stacy, Erin, Aryana, Anita, and I all looked great in the sweet glasses too.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Coming soon to an airport near me.

13 January 2010

    Sister is flying over the Pacific Ocean!
    I’m excited for her to come back, but I will really miss having the room to myself. 
    I have so much to do. Lots of homework already. Feeling slightly overwhelmed with all the school and church things.
    By the way, I hate the word “overdraft.” Oh bugger. Where’d all my money go?
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

background change

9 January 2010

It’s time for a background change. No more festive Christmas background for 11 months or so.

But which one to choose? There’s so many good backgrounds on the world wide web! I like to get them from here and here and here.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


9 January 2010

Tonight I spent a few hours deep cleaning our nasty dirty kitchen and living room. It is oh so wonderful now!
I love it clean. Love it love it.

And I made beautifully crafted chore chart for our house and us four girls, so hopefully this house will be clean all semester long.
I do love a clean environment. It just makes everything better.

I love it here.
And I love it in Jerusalem.
And I love it in Alaska too.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

5 January 2010

twelve drummers drumming
[the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles’ Creed]

The twelve days of Christmas are over.
Which means tomorrow is… EPIPHANY!
Or Three Kings Day, celebrating the Wise Men coming and giving gifts to baby Jesus.

To honor that celebration, I’m giving gifts to my family. Basically I’m just giving them love letters, telling everyone how cool they are. I’ll be writing those today… hopefully.

And I’ll be packing today as well.
Because I leave tomorrow.
And sad too.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Eleventh Day of Christmas

5 January 2010

eleven pipers piping
[the eleven faithful apostles: Simon Peter. Andrew. James. John. Philip. Bartholomew. Matthew. Thomas. James bar Alpheus. Simon the Zealot. Judas bar James.]

I am sick.
Oh bugger.

I took a bath to help me feel better.
I haven’t taken one in years.
But it was nice and hot and full of bubbles. I liked it.
And it was especially good because I was listening to sweet jams and reading Archie comics.
I did have to shower after though, since I’d been stewing in my own filth for an hour.

I don’t want to be sick.
Hopefully the healing powers of Hawaii will make me better.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Tenth Day of Christmas

4 January 2010

ten lords a-leaping
[the ten commandments]

Shabbat Shalom!
I love Shabbat, especially in Jerusalem.
It’s good here too though because I especially love the Homer Ward. This ward is the greatest and I looooove coming home to it! Sad to leave it soon, but excited to go back to BYUH 20th ward, a singles ward, with no screaming children. :)

Hung out at Holly’s all day today.
Played with her sick children. I love those girlies so much.
Made some crepes. Glad I don’t like those things.
Watched the Office. Haven’t watched it before. Interesting.
Put Natalie to bed. She said her prayers and said, “Bless people not to die. Bless the birds not to die. Bless Stacy to not fall apart.” and continued on to bless her mom, dad, sister, and dog.

I’m not ready to leave this wonderful family of mine yet. I don’t think I’m ever ready really.
I am excited to go back to Hawaii and school and everything though. It’s just so good.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Ninth Day of Christmas

3 January 2010

nine ladies dancing
[the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love. joy. peace. patience. kindness.generosity. faithfulness. gentleness. self control.]

Jake left today.
I’m really going to miss that good brother of mine.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Eighth Day of Christmas

2 January 2010

eight maids a-milking

[the eight beatitudes – blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness]
[zero enhancing done on this picture. this is just the natural beauty of kackemak bay.]
The day began beautifully with a cool, crisp, sunrise beach walk with my favorite Cody boy.
Twas the most perfect way to begin 2010.
I had great expectations for this new beginning of a day, but it wasn’t really that great.
We all just sat around and didn’t do much.
Boring and unfulfilled.
I really don’t like those days.
But I guess they happen to everyone once in a while.
Beautiful new day coming tomorrow though.
Alaska, Uncategorized

The Seventh Day of Christmas

1 January 2010

seven swans a-swimming
[the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy]

Last day of 2009.
Twas good. Very good.

Went on a delightful beach walk with Cody boy.
I love the beach. So much.

Partied at the Keintz Party Palace with my most favorite family and some good friends. I love those parties over there.

Watched some magical fireworks.
Wore some sweet glasses that said “2010!”
Twas a good night.

I bid thee farewell 2009.
And a warm welcome to 2010.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Sixth Day of Christmas

31 December 2009

six geese a-laying
[six days of Creation]

Since today symbolizes the gift of the Creation, I made a marvelous little creation myself.

     What you see here used to be regular ol’ xtratufs, and now… they are Homer’s grandest fashion statement! And please notice how I beautifully sewed on the old border around the top of these with marvelous colorful thread. It took me the entire Harry Potter 6 movie, 2.5 hours. My fingies are sore.

     P.S. I went sledding at Ohlson Mountain today with Holly. It was icy, steep, speedy, awesome. We crashed gooood. I liked it. But since Sister is an old woman now, she didn’t really like that. How booooring.
     However on a less boring note, we did get this exciting picture today. I especially like Holly’s face.

P.P.S. We watched Food Inc today. Watch it. Makes me even more glad I don’t eat meat, or animal products, with the exception of these cookies I’ve been eating with butter and eggs. :) But Food Inc… good film it is.
P.P.P.S. There’s only one day left to complete my resolutions for 2009. Looks like I will be failing some of them. And I need to decide on some 2010 resolutions for a better world and a better Chelsea.
Alaska, Uncategorized

The Fifth Day of Christmas

30 December 2009

five golden rings
[the Torah – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy]

I blogged.
I ate cookies.
I didn’t shower until 3.
I wore sweats all day.
I cleaned my room.
I dressed up Natalie.
I felt really sick for a few hours.
Too many cookies? :)
I threw up.
I started feeling much better.
I kind of like when that happens.