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The Knesset

15 February 2009

The Knesset is Israel’s legislative branch of government and some of us went there today for a little tour and something to do on a fabulous free day. The prime minister is the main leader, but there is a president too that that prime minister elects, who doesn’t have a lot of political significance. There are quite a few different parties. The Knesset (pronouced kah-ness-it) has 120 different members and is pretty much the main power in Israel.

It was really interesting listening and learning about the government here in Israel. And they just had elections last week, so it’s amazing being here. Now I need to go to DC and check out America’s government. :)
with the street sign that points to the Knesset on a beautiful sunny Jerusalem day
picture of the main building, which had some amazing artwork by Marc Chagall inside
Carly and I and our sweet, camel leather, 50 shekel, 12 dollar Jerusalem cruisers, as we were waiting for the taxi


My Loves

14 February 2009

Today is the day to celebrate love. I am celebrating.…….

I love my dearest mother. I love her so so much. I wish I could hug her right now. I wish I was laying in her bed talking to her. I love how funny she is. She always makes me smile and laugh. I love her openness to the world. She never judges. She thinks the best of people. I love her bread. It is the most amazing. I want some right now. I love her house. It is home. I love being with my mamma so much. I love her so so much. She brings so much joy into my life. She wants the best for me. She sacrifices so much for me, and others too, always. I love how she loves me. She always will. I love her too. She is my most favorite person in the world.

I love my cool beans dad. He is one of the coolest dudes on the planet. He has made me life so good. He has taken me on so many grand adventures. He has taught me about what really matters in life. He is always there for me. He is a crazy schlumberger who has brought out the goodness in me. I love how healthy he is. I love his love for flax seed. I love that he is so domestic and such a good dad. He always takes care of me. I love his love for nature and the outdoors. I love how he has passed that love on to me. I have learned so much from him. I have so much fun with him. He sends me the greatest emails. I love this crazy ol’ man. I love my dad.

I love this sister Holly Girl. She is one of the most amazing people on the planet, honestly. I admire her so much. She does so much for everyone around her. She takes care of so much. I love being around her. I love her drop dead gorgeousness. I love the ring she let me take from her. I love how amazing she is. She is such an incredible mother and she impresses me every single day. I watched her give birth and it was the greatest experience ever. I had no idea how incredible she was. She never ceases to amaze me. Amazing and incredible are clearly good words to describe her. I look up to this dear sister of mine so much. I love her. I cannot wait be in her house again, eating vegetable chowder, laughing, talking, being happy.
I love Jordin too. He is such a wonderful person. How can you not like this cool dude? I love being around him because he is always optimistic and cheerful. He looks for the best in people. He doesn’t judge. He is not easily discouraged at all. He is so generous with money, which used to work out really nicely for me when he’d always pay me $20 for a five minute foot massage. Fun times. I love Jordin because he loves my sister so much. He needs Holly and she needs him. They have such a great marriage and they are so good to be around. I love the Keintz family. Jordin is a wonderful dad and a wonderful husband. He does so much good for the world and I don’t know what I would do if he weren’t around. We need his coolness in our family, big time. 

I love Stacy Girl. That Silly Sally is one of the world’s greatest sisters. I love how close we are. I love the fun parties we have in her tiny cottage. I love being able to always count on this girl for whatever I want to do. She is always there for me. I love always talking on the phone with her. I love watching her laugh. You know she has a good belly laugh. She cracks me up like crazy. We have such good times together all the time. She tells me what is wrong with me too and it’s funny. I’m glad she’s so honest in that aspect, because sometimes you need to realize where you can improve. I am so excited to be with her again. She is so important to me and I need her so badly in my life. What would I do without my Sally Girl? I just love her so much.

I love my most favorite brother in the entire world. Of all of the brothers in the world, this one is my favorite. I love it when he emails or calls me. It completely makes my day. I love his geniusness. What a smart boy that Jakey Bob is. I love fishing with my dear brother. He is one of the greatest captains and I love watching him. I love his Sigler mobile, and how he can pull it off like no one else can. I love going on adventures to haunted houses and taking old bikes from them with my dear brother. Jakey Bob is quite a cool dude. My life would have such a void without him. I love when he beats me up. It is pretty fun stuff. I like to try to do what I can to attack him back, but am usually uneffective. I love when he shoves nasty beef stick salami in my face at New Years. I have fun fun with dearest Jakey boy. I love little N Girl. Natalie Ann Keintz is the cutest little girl. She brings so much joy to my life. My goodness she is so cute. I can’t get over it. I am so happy she is in my life. I am so blessed that I got to see her come into the world. I love her big toe. I love her little haircut. I love how she’s a carnivore. What a crazy cutie patootey little girl. Oh my, I love her so much.
I love Baby Katy. Katy Lynn Keintz is the most precious and sweet soul that I currently know of in the world at this present moment. I love this little baby. I love holding her. I love watching her sleep. I love her little who nose. I love her baby fingers. I love her baby toes. I love my baby niece. I love my Carlita lobster. Carla is the greatest friend in the world. Honestly, she is the best. I love her so much. She makes me so happy. Every single time we are together is pure happiness. We are girl soul mates, bosom friends, best friends. I love how similar we are. I love how good she is to me. I love how we have stayed best friends even though we haven’t been around each other much for a long time. But everytime we are back together, it’s exactly like it was in elementary, and middle school, and a little bit of high school, and it is amazing. You don’t come across good friends like this every day. I love this beautiful girl so so much. I love me some Cala Cala.

I love Lilly. I love that she is the best roomie in the world. I love all that she has taught me. I love her charity, her generosity, her kindness for everyone. I love being around this dear Lilly girl. She is such a wonderful person. You wouldn’t believe how wonderful she is. I realize it more every day that I’m away. I miss being around this girl. I miss staying up late with her. I miss living with her. I love Lilly so much. I love her being my roomie. She is the best. I am so glad she has been in my life, because she has made it so much better.
Of course I love Robby Reeves too! How could you not love this cool kid? I love how happy he is. He is always content with whatever he haves and whatever he gets. He is happy with whatever life gives him. He wants others to be happy to. He always wants everyone to be happy. Rob is so good. I love him. I miss being around him. He makes me happy. I am so happy he is in my life. I love Robby Reeves, that crazy dude.

I love love.

Happy Valentine’s Day.


Friday the 13th!

13 February 2009

I love Friday the 13th! What’s with people saying it’s a bad luck day anyway? It’s the greatest day ever. And in the history of my experiences at the JC, it’s definitely the best night ever.

We had a Friday the 13th dance party/dress up crazy weirdo party. Carly, Lauren, and I did whatever we could to out hair, loaded up on the eye makeup, put on black shirts, and majorly rocked the genie pants. Uno word, fabulous.
What pretty girlies!
Aren’t you absolutely in love with genie pants?

I love dance parties. I love dress up parties. I love eyeliner all over my eyes. I love buns all over my head. Tonight was a good night.
Everyone looked so crazy good. Emilie is definitely included in that bunch of fabulous dressed/make upped people.

After the dance party was over, Nycole, Lauren, Chelsie, and I saw two fine boys with a flashlight on the search for a “cave.” So we foolishly and naively followed them. Clearly we were slightly frightened to be wandering around outside at midnight. This is us in the cave/place under the JC.
AHHH!!! We took a picture of the empty room to get some more light and there was a creepy man just sitting against the wall! We ran screaming up the stairs as fast as our little leggies would go.
Only to found out shortly after that it was Jeff sitting there like a creeper with a pillowcase over his head. Matt, Josh, and Jeff just wanted to scare some helpless girls that evening. They got us goooooood.
We went back to our room and I took all of my little buns out. This hair was the result.
Lauren and I decided we hadn’t taken enough pictures for the night, so we had a mini photo shoot in the bathroom. Fun fun.
Isn’t Friday the 13th the greatest?

Bugs. Goliath. Samson. Caves.

9 February 2009

Wiiiiicked long field trip today, called the Shephelah FT. We left at 8 am and didn’t get back until 6. But we went to where Samson of Samson and Delilah were, and we went to the spot where David and Goliath happened, and we went to sweet caves, and crawled through caves. Oooh, and I bought little I ♥ Israel colored pencils. But not only that, but I got some excellent pictures of bugs here in the Holy Land.

pretty little baby flower
Marianne and I. I love that amazing girl. Behind us on the hill was where Samson lived, and he would come down to where we were and party it up. This is in Beth Shemesh.

I miss flowers in my hair so badly, but I’ve always got the parrot earrings. They never let me down.

Big ol’ ant carrying something pokey to the green.

another ant carrying the goods

weirdo bug with antlers/pinchers
Millipede! Ah!!!

just chillin’ in some ruins in the Sorek Valley I think, that Samson probably chilled at too


Next stop: Lachish. more ruins. This is me and the most lovely Cate.

Stefanie Tanner, another amazing JC-ite


in a chalky cave tomb thing

gotta love those cave photo ops

cool peeps posing it up
So at this place, there were these signs hanging in the trees, and I don’t understand their purpose.

more weirdo freaky bugs

huge creepy beetle… ahhh!!!

heart carved into the chalky cave

I love trees.

At the Bell Caves, where we stood in a circle and sang hymns. I love that hymn singing.

more cave posing… what good looking boys.

There was this random Mona Lisa thing, so I just had to stick my face in there. Cool beans eh?

Next we went to the Valley of Elah, where the David and Goliath story took place. “Now this man was giant.”

I love wrists.

Stefanie building the Goliath statue so that we could fling rocks at it with our little slings, just like David.

At Micah’s cave… crawling through little passages.

Then there were all these pigeon holes after going through the passage way. Thanks to my sista sista for the flashlight by the way. It was a life saver.

Then you we had to climb up the wall with the help of pigeon holes and fine young men… kinda scary.

Here’s Jayne! The last part of our spelunking adventure involved shimmying out on our backs in the tiniest little passage way ever. It was slightly frightening, definitely. It’s called the birth canal.

After I successfully made it out of the birth canal… yay! So happy to see the light of day again.

That spelunking in Micah’s Caves will most definitely make you a wee bit dirty.

Yep, we’ve got some laundry to do.

We have the coolest field trips around here. I loved going to where David and Goliath happened. It was way cool. I loved being where the Philistines came back and returned the Ark of the Covenant. I loved taking pictures of bugs. I loved the I ♥ Israel colored pencils I bought today. I loved Brother Wilson guiding us around and bestowing upon us some of his great wisdom. I loved crawling through the caves. I loved playing with the coolest peeps all day. And of course, as always, I loved coming back to the JC.

Jericho is ooooollllllddddd

5 February 2009

Another field trip day! Today we went to Jericho, the oldest and lowest city in the world. It’s 11,000ish years old and 850 feet below sea level. We saw a wicked old tree and the oldest manmade stone structure, and we went to a monastery where the rock that Christ was tempted at, and we went to the site of Herod’s Winter Palace.

Kara and I at this wicked old tree that has significance that I don’t remember.

Reading the Jericho story at Jericho. Whoa, these field trips are the coolest.

The oldest man made stone structure that is like 10,000 years old or something.

Moon and Chelsea living it up in Jericho! Yay for Bible stories!

I bought some love nuts too, aka sycamore nuts. But my oh my they were wicked good. I could go for some right this second. Mmmm… yummy!

At the Quruntul Monastery, where we had to dress very conservatively and they told us to cover our heads too, but I don’t know how necessary that one was.

 beautiful artwork inside the monastery

They believe this is the stone where Christ was tempted by Satan when he was fasting for 40 days. It’s so cool being here.

view of JERICHO from the monastery on the mountain side

Behind us were a bunch of caves where the people at the monastery would go and seclude themselves and kind of rededicate themselves to the Lord.

Matt 360ing at the site of Herod’s Winter Palace

more desert wilderness

Field trip today was cool. I went to the oldest and lowest city in the world, which is the coolest of cool. And the love nuts I bought today were so exceptionally delish. Love me some love nuts. 


Egyptian Party!

4 February 2009
Egyptian Night at the JC, which basically means wearing anything you bought in Egypt and wearing more eyeliner that you ever have before. It was fabulous of course.
This is the Chelsea and the most beautiful Heidi. As you can see, I didn’t buy anything in Egypt but scarves pretty much, ok, and a couple bags of course. But for my Egyptian Night fashion, I created an outfit out SEVEN BEAUTIFUL EGYPTIAN PASHMINAS.
    four lovely ladies showing sweet Egyptian dance moves

   the mighty pharaoh… wearing his JC linens

moi and Allison, notice the eyeliner, love it

The most fabulous residents of room 410!

  Lauren and Nycole in their grand mumus of Egypt. You know I love a good mumu every now and then.
   Pharaoh and one of his lovely concubines
   the Egyptian party crew!

Bible Zoos and Dead Sea Scrolls

4 February 2009
We had a free day all day today! Hooray! So we went to the Biblical Zoo today, which is really just a regular zoo, with Bible scriptures on all the little plaques. Then we went to the Israel Museum, where Brother Skinner told us all about the Jerusalem model of 66 AD and Jerusalem in Jesus time, and we also saw the Dead Sea Scrolls there. What a fabulous free day today!
chillin’ at the zoo with the cool kids


11:11 at the zoo… MAKE A WISH!

girlies being tigers with the tigers

By the way, I don’t know how I feel about zoos… that poor tiger in the tiny little caged area, with people just looking at it through windows. It is cool being able to see all of these amazing animals though.
Dearest Marianne and I, being fishies with the fishies!!!

The bears were so teeny tiny, nothing like the big beastly Alaskan ones.

cool kids with the bear sculpture

There was a map showing where the animals lived and look at what Alaska looks like. It looks like a little nothing piece of land, when AK is really this huge beastly area of amazingness.

Rafikis! Yahoo! I love these fun animals.

Lemur Land/Zoboo Land: “I was leaping along. Leap… leap… leap… leap… leap…” Who remembers the Kratt Brothers and Zoboomafoo?

Ryan and I in the bird house! I wish little Natalie were here in the birdie house with me. 

Blue skies… sunshine… blossoms! A happy day here in the Holy Land.

Shelby crawled through this little tunnel and then his head popped out in this little dome so that he could get a better look at those meerkats. 
Guess what these are… NAKED MOLE RATS! One of the world’s most interesting little creatures.

And this little number is a capybara, another incredibly interesting creature, and not the prettiest one.
here’s me and the funny funny flamingoes

This is for you favorite twins…

This is the gift shop at the Biblical Zoo… shaped just like Noah’s Ark. Gotta love this place.

We left the zoo and there was my favorite car, a 1991 Subaru Loyale!


There is incredible replica of Jerusalem in 66 AD. It is the best one ever, and it is on a scale of 1 to 50, and Bro. Skinner told us all about it. He is just so full of knowledge and he told and showed us everything about the last few days of the life of Jesus. It was amazing to see and to understand more about. 

This is the SHRINE OF THE BOOK. Inside is the Dead Sea Scrolls. I saw them. Wow. Oh my goodness there is just oodles of history over here. 

I love free days.

Mail Party

2 February 2009

Speaking of being back at the JC, I would’ve loved to have had a package waiting for me upon my arrival. But sadly, no one knew my address, because I didn’t tell anyone. But I shall do that now…

For love letters and fun envelopey type things, and perhaps small boxes and the like:
BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies
Chelsea Owens
PO Box 19604
Jerusalem, 91196
For packages that do not contain things too incredibly expensive, like electronics, since we have to pay duties:
Chelsea Owens
BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies
Located on Mt. Scopus
Near Augusta Victoria Hospital
Jerusalem, 91196
Keep in mind that my birthday is coming up on March 15th, so you should think about sending things sometime in the near future. Oh I am so excited to receive mail. Many mahalos peeps. 

Home Sweet Jerusalem

2 February 2009

I am so happy to be back at the Jerusalem Center! Yay for the JC! Oh my goodness I am just so happy to be “home!”

Reasons why I am so happy to be back at the JC:
~drinking out of the water fountains
~brushing my teeth in the sink
~having clean clothes
~not living out of a backpack
~shopping in the Old City with normal shopkeepers
~eating the delicious food of the Oasis
~having internet
~being in my bed
~calling my wonderful family
~having my genie pants back
~wearing my slippers
~not feeling like death
~being on my computer
~sleeping with Simba again
~partying with my roomies
~having less garbage all around
~using better toilets
~not having to pay for toilets
~having access to all of my earrings
~again, just talking to my fam
Don’t get me wrong, it was amazing being in Egypt and being able to see everything and learn all about it, but it is always so nice to be home. Oh how I love the JC.
Favorites, Jerusalem

Mt. Sinai

1 February 2009

What do you do at 2 am? Well, when you’re on the Sinai Peninsula, apparently 2 am is when you wake up, so that you can go hike Mt. Sinai for the sunrise. That’s just what we did.

After 3.5 hours of sleep, we had a little 2 am wake up call and got ready to hike the mountain. We started at about 3 am, when it was so incredibly beautifully starry. I love the stars so so so much. So it was quite magical, except for the fact that I was still sick and coughing up a storm. Needless to say, I was one of the last few people to make it to the top, along with the other sickies and cripples. But I started feeling better the farther we’d go, which is weird. I guess I just needed a goooooood dose of the great, beautiful outdoors. Being sick, I still had a bit of a difficult time hiking up to the top, but then to realize that Moses hiked up that mountain eight times or something, and as an ooooold man, I couldn’t complain much. And there were other people much sicker than me hiking that day. Either way, hiking is the greatest.

A pile of people huddled together at the top of Mt. Sinai, trying to stay warm. It was soooooo cooooooold, mainly because it was so windy, and you can’t escape from that wind.
The sun starting to rise….

Another pile of us people. I was a human blanket for Matt and Lisa. Oh my goodness it was soooooo cold.

The sun has risen!

You know I love a good sunrise here and there, especially on top of Mt. Sinai.

just chillin’ (for real) at the top

YAY FIJI! There were some rocks where people had written their names and stuff, and this person was from Fiji. Gotta love those Fijians, yes you do.

Hiking down… long hike.

Along the way there are all these Bedouins offering camel rides, and Marianne and I decided we’d take their offer. WE RODE CAMELS DOWN MT. SINAI!

beautiful nature

Marianne and Mohammed and an extra camel. By the way, I had no camel guide. My camel was just cruising along down the mountain. He knew the trail fabulously of course, by it was a wee bit scary at times because the camel would get so close to the edge and the cliff and I’d be like, “Whoa, Camel, scoot over.” It wouldn’t. But thankfully I didn’t fall off the cliff.

Do you see the 10 Commandments? Yeah, me neither, but they’ve gotta be here somewhere.

Here’s the 16 year old guy named Mohammed that was helping another guy named Mohammed take Marianne and I down the mountain. He was pretty cool. He told me to take a picture of him.

He took a picture of me too, and my little camel! I love camels so much. They are the crazies animals. As you can maybe tell too, my pants had ridden up excessively to my belly button and were super high. My jeans turned into high waters big time during this amazing camel ride and it was slightly uncomfortable, but so amazing. I LOVE RIDING CAMELS!

Marianne and I paid $15 each, with tip, for our camel rides down Mt. Sinai and it was so worth it. It was definitely my most favorite part of the entire Egypt trip and such. We were just having so so much fun. And it was good to give the Mohammed’s some money, because people here do not have opportunities like we do to make money. It’s so crazy. But Mt. Sinai was amazing and the camel riding was simply marvelous!

We left our hotel near Mt. Sinai at about noon and got back on the bus. We drove a few hours to the border and after we got through the intense border crossing back into blessed Israel, we were just hanging out at the Red Sea waiting for the other people.
This was my second favorite part of the trip: taking my shoes off, rolling up my pants, and stepping into the Red Sea, which was unexpectedly warm. I just miss the ocean so so so much, so my little toesies were so happy playing in the Red Sea. I loved it. I love the ocean. I love the Red Sea. And I love being back in Israel!
Sunset on Mt. Sinai, sunset on the Red Sea. I am living the good life.


Feeling Like Death

31 January 2009

I woke up Thursday morning after sleeping 11 hours and felt so sick. My body was just sore and exhausted, my throat was sore, I was coughing, and I was full of snot. Despite being sick and feeling like death, I still went around on the tours and things because I didn’t want to miss out. But after I was out, I wish I would just stayed in.


The first place we went was the Karnak Temple complex, which is supposedly amazing. I couldn’t give you any details though, because I felt like crap and had no energy to walk around. We also went to the Luxor Temple. I took very few pictures that day and I don’t know which pictures are of which, because I had zero desire to be there. All of the temples and columns and statues and hieroglyphs became the same to me anyway after seeing so many. And all I wanted to do was sleep and lay down. 
This is a picture of a chair, one that I wanted to sit in and not move from for the rest of the day. But instead of doing that, I just sat on the ground in the dirt as our Habibi guide talked to us.

an obelisk at Karnak or Luxor

Here’s the great Ramses II, in charge of lots of building projects. I love that he’s smiling.

Don’t know where this is, Karnak or Luxor, since all the temples and all the hieroglyphs were the same after I’d seen so many and while I was feeling like death. I didn’t take hardly any pictures on this day. But hooray! Pharaoah and his wife are the same height. She’s not just a little afterthought that goes up to his knees.
After the exhausting visits to the Karnak and Luxor temples, we rode horsey carriages back to the hotel. Here’s my roomie Shamra and the driver of their carriage.
That night we rode some train back to Cairo. I wished we were riding on the Hogwarts Express, but instead it was just a regular, non-magical train. I pretty much just took some drugs for feeling like crap and then I slept the whole ride. From what I hear though, people didn’t have very good experiences on the train.
Back in Cairo we went to the Egyptian Museum, where I saw a lot a lot of oooooolllllllddddd mummies and a lot of other cool things. But we couldn’t take any pictures, not that I wanted to anyway. All I wanted to do was sleep.
Then we stopped at an Egyptian bazaar and shopping place in Cairo. I didn’t even get off the bus. I was so exhausted and not feeling well that I slept away my valuable Egyptian shopping time. So many pashminas to buy too…
After the museum and shopping, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch, where I didn’t want to be and where I wanted to be in bed instead. I didn’t want to eat, weird.

Unfortunately I had no appetite again. I did have some soup though. Mmmm… I love soup, especially Holly Girl’s yummy yumkins soups.

Saturday I woke up feeling much better! I was still totally sick, but just with a normal old cold. Yay. I no longer walked around and felt all dizzy. I just felt snotty and stuffy and was hacking up mucus quite often. But oh, I was feeling much much better. I wanted to take pictures that day even. I think I was maybe feeling less sick because it was my dear sister’s birthday.
31st of January, 1982 – Holly girl came into the world. Happy Birthday to my most amazing sister! She’s such an excellent sister to me and I love her so much. And I’m so excited to go home in three months to see her, and her little girlies, and to eat her vegetable chowder! Yay! Yummy yumkins. Happy Birthday, Sister!
We went to a mosque and some churches on this lovely January 31st. The mosque was pretty amazing. Here’s a few pictures of it.

We all had to take our shoes off inside since it’s such a holy place of worship to Muslims. 

Then we went to this Christian church. It was a church where there was a cave underneath where Mary and Joseph and Jesus sought refuge way back in the day, I think. I don’t really know. There’s so many things about all the places we went and all of these facts are just mumble jumbled together in my head.

The last few days in Egypt were jam packed of course, and I felt awful. But it was so amazing being there and seeing everything anyway. What a lucky ducky I am. Happy Birthday Holly girl!

LUXORious Tombs and Camels

28 January 2009
We flew to Luxor from Cairo and then stayed at the Sheraton. When we woke up early the next morning, after not very much sleep, we went to the Valley of the Kings, Funerary Temple of Ramses II, saw a couple huge statues, then went on a Faluka ride down the Nile, rode camels through a little village, and went shopping in Luxor that night. Twas another exhausting day, but full of excessive amazingness.
Before going into King Tut’s tomb. These tombs were so incredible. King Tut was a pretty insignificant pharaoh, he’s just so well known because his tomb was discovered untouched, with all of the incredible treasures still inside. All of those treasures are now at the Egyptian Museum. But the tombs… W.O.W.

Dearest Marianne and I standing outside of a tomb entrance.

The Valley of the Kings is this place where a lot of the pharaohs were buried. It is a kind of secluded place. They did it that way because all of the tombs would get raided and all of the amazing treasures to go into the afterlife with the pharaohs would be stolen.

You’re not supposed to take pictures in the tombs, but I secretly tried to. I just shut my flash of and tried to press the button. But as you can see I was pretty unsuccessful.

You can kinda see what the ceiling looked like in this tomb. It was totally still all colored and everything. These tombs were so amazing. There is so much intricate detail and I don’t know what they used to paint everything, but the color is still there today, after thousands of years. And could you imagine putting these tombs together? Carving the passages out of rock, making everything level and equal, then putting hieroglyphs all over the place, and painting it, and filling it with treasure once the pharaoh has died and gone through the 72 day long mummifcation process. It was intense enough just walking through the little passages and into the big rooms, and today they even have lights put in there on the floor and stuff. I don’t know how they did it.

After the Valley of the Kings, we went to the Funerary Temple of Ramses III. More huge, beautiful statues and hiergylphs. Here’s Marianne and I posing like the little wives of the huge statue. The wife often only go up to the level of the knees in the statues.

Here’s the ceiling at one part of the temple, nice and colorful.

This is the ankh symbol (and some other symbol). The ankh represents life. It is all over the place. Ancient Egyptians loved life, especially eternal life.

Ancient Egyptian time out, sitting in the corner, staring at nothing by hieroglyphs.

Three little birds! They live in the temple walls. There are just so many perfect nest spots.

Here’s another huge statue. I don’t remember what it’s called or who it is, but it was big, and there were two of them. I think they were at the entrance to a temple, which is no longer there. But it shows you how big the temple used to be.

We went back to the Sheraton, which is the intensely salmon colored hotel on the east bank of the Nile. Then we hoped onto a FALUKA and sailed down the Nile.

The other group on the faluka.

These two little Egyptian kids were on the shore and then they saw us and jumped in their little boat. They paddled next to us and were trying to sell things. The kids try and sell things all over the place. It’s so sad.

We rode on the faluka from our hotel to further down the Nile and on the other side. When we got there, forty camels and forty little Egyptian boys were waiting for us. The camel ride cost us $10 and a $1 tip. My camel guide was named Mohammed, along with most of the other little boys.

The beginning of our Camel Safari

We call this a camel caravan. Oh how I love love love camels.

Riding through the little village… we got to see so much poverty and how so many of the people live. I didn’t feel so good parading through with forty other Americans on camels. It was so eye opening though seeing how people live and it made me so grateful for America. So many of the houses are just made out of mudbrick, a lot of them don’t have roofs, and they all have dirt floorrs. There are no normal possessions or decorations inside whatsoever. All it is is a shelter. It was sad to see that, but really good, because I hadn’t ever realized what it is like to live in poverty like that.

Just cruising through the little village on our camels. My camel’s name was Ali Baba, or at least that’s what he told me. Some other camels were named Bob Marley and Obama. The people over here loooove Obama by the way. And when we walk by they just say “Obama,” and noth much else. They’re quite exited. The people in the village were saying Obama to us, it was mostly in the city. But here all the would wave. The children were really excited and really curious. There were also some children begging for money. And lots of other people working hard hard in the fields. Such a completely different life.

Our camel safari was a fabulous 45 minutes.

Don’t you love this head? I do.

After getting back to the hotel, a big group of us went shopping in Luxor. I was starting to feel sick, but I went anyways. Maybe I was just camel allergic. I think it was a combination. But here’s a blurry little picture of our crazy cab driver and our crazy cab. It was the coolest car ever. It was so old and amazing. I want one.

Sunset on the Nile

Shopping in Luxor was kinda crazy. The shopkeepers just will not leave you alone. It’s exhausting. But one of the guys wrapped this scarf all around Marianne’s head. Man she looks so cool.

Some guy also wrapped it around Nycole’s head, and then put his arm around her to take a picture. Hmm…. I think that’s a no no. Oh man, and if you ever need a self confidence booster, just walk around in Egypt. I don’t think I’ve been told that I was beautiful so many times. They just like American girls I think, no matter what you look like.

Here’s our little shopping crew, along with amazing Matt Huff, who took this picture. Each group had to have five people and one had to be a guy. So Matt was the good one who followed us around the shops and made sure we were all safe and everything. So good. And the other guy in the picture is named Adam or something. He wouldn’t leave us alone and he eventually just took us around all night. We thought he was kinda strange at first, but then he was just fun fun. And he’d talk to some of the shopkeepers to make sure we weren’t completely getting ripped off. It was pretty fun. But shopping in Luxor was crazy, and wicked good too.

After shopping, we went back to the hotel for dinner at like 8 pm. But I was starting to feel like I was dying and I had no appetite whatsoever, so I just went to bed. I was sleepy and exhausted and did not feel so good. But Luxor is pretty cool beans.


Cairo: Pyramids, Sphinx, Ramses!

27 January 2009
We left our hotel in the morning, after not eating fresh fruit for breakfast or drinking the water. We could only drink bottled water the whole time, and we couldn’t eat the fresh fruit or vegetables either because they had been infected by the bad water. If we did drink the water, even with just brushing our teeth, then diarrhea would be very likely. Diarrhea did indeed occur.
This picture barely shows what driving was like in Cairo. It was insano. In no way do they obey traffic laws and they just drive wherever they can squeeze in. They turn two lane roads into four. The drivers are actually quite talented. 

Here’s the standard housing in Cairo that is allll over. It doesn’t look like the best, and we say way worse housing than this.
There were so many sweet vans. Many of them were taxis and they shove so many people into those taxi vans and bus type things. Crazy daisy man.
The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza! This is it. This is it. I was here.
This thing was huge, and so incredible edible egg. How did they build them? And it was thousands of years ago. 
Jumping on the huuuuuuuge pyramid stones. These stones are huge. I jumped on them.
The cool dudes, making a pyramid on the pyramid.
These stones rock.
THE PICTURE – Kara and Chelsea at the pyramids
Me and my roomies, being ancient Egyptians at the ancient Egyptian pyramids. There are these main three on the Giza plateau but a lot of other pyramids in other places around Egypt. 
Chelsea was here. She saw these wonders.
Walk like an Egyptian
We can’t forget the dear ol’ Sphinx too!
Eating the nose off the Sphinx.
dearest Marianne and I, loving seeing Egpyt
We also went and saw some statues of Ramses. I like that he’s smiling. Happy Egypt.
The statues they make are so crazy huge.
Then we went to the first pyramid, a step pyramid, I believe built by Amenhotep. 
Shamra, Lauren, et moi!
The earlier tombs were called mastabas, and they were just regular structures. But the pyramids came about by placing mastabas on top of mastabas, creating step pyramids and the first pyramids.
Thanks to dear Holly girl sister sister for my ring… :)
Another sweet picture of Kara and Chelsea, and our Egyptian adventures!
This dude was rocking it on the camel, and I couldn’t not take a picture. I love camels. I love them. They’re the most awkward looking animals in the world. 

We had quite a jam packed, adventurous day in Cairo. And to top that off, that night, we got on a plane and flew to Luxor. This trip is long and busy and cooooool beans. I went to the pyramids today!


Bussin’ to Egypt

26 January 2009
Marhaba! We bussed it to Egypt! Yay! We went from Jerusalem to Cairo, and stopped at a Kibbutz near the border for the night. Fun parties all along the way. We stopped at all these cool places and of course learned all these cool things and took many cool pictures. This is the greatest field trip ever.
First stop was Tel Beer Sheva, or Beer-Sheba. It was an old little city where Abraham lived way back in the day.

We had to wear hard hats because we walked through a cave where they get their water from.

Note to self: prevent people from wearing hard hats with hoods and ponytails.

Human sacrifice, on the four horned, Pagan alter.

Coolest sign in the world! BEWARE OF CAMELS NEAR THE ROAD! Yay yay!

Next stop: Wilderness of Zin, where the children of Israel wandered for sooo sooo long.

Attempt at jumping picture in the Wilderness of Zin.
Next stop: Avdat! a wiiiiiicked old little city. Here’s some cooooooool ruins. I love ruins.

They had these really super cool to the max metal sculltures all over the ruins too. The first on we saw was of this camel caravan. Loved it!

Marianne and I posing on the camel. Fun fun!

You know I loooooove camels. I really really do.

Going for a walk with my new friend.

Talking story with the peeps, the Avdateans, actually, I think the people who inhabited this city were Nabateans maybe. Hmm…. I’m not sure.

Avdat was the coolest place of the day. I love taking pictures at ancient ruins, oh yes I do.

This is the entrance into the city soccer field/ entrance into something I called the soccer field.

Working it.

Just standing on a wall that is almost 2000 years old.

I think this must’ve been a bathroom way back in the day, it looked like the perfect spot.

Here’s what the bathroom was like at out next stop. I’ve never seen a woman symbol with a dress like that. :)

Me and two of my roomies at some huge crater.

We finally made it to the Kibbutz, after a looooooong journey. A kibbutz is like a little self sufficient community where all the people work and live there and everyone gets paid the same no matter what their job is. It’s an interesting way of life. They also get all of their food and housing paid for. They have a bunch of cows and do dairy, and they have a bunch of agriculture stuff. 

This was in the little cafeteria thing. I want a bench shaped like a cow.

After we crossed the border from Israel to Egypt, you could tell we were there simply by bathroom quality. Egypt bathrooms are no good. Here’s a sign that was on the wall. Most of the toilets hardly flush and there’s never any toilet paper. To go into the bathroom you have to pay the bathroom attendant and she’ll give you a few squares of toilet paper. It’s crazy being in Egypt.

Here’s the bus, where we spent so many many hours.

Finally made it to the hotel in Cairo, where they had a sweet playground with all sorts of fun things. This China man shaped trash can was one of the highlights of the Oasis Hotel in Giza.

The journey to Egypt was a long one, but pretty cool of course. You gotta love these wicked good field trips we have at the Jerusalem Center.
Favorites, Jerusalem

The Garden Tomb

25 January 2009
Third Shabbat in Jerusalem… go to the Garden Tomb, but only after having church in the most beautiful building in Jerusalem and after having Sacrament Meeting in a chapel with hug windows that overlook the whole city. This here chapel definitely has the best view ever.
Going to the Tomb!! So people aren’t 100% positive that this tomb was the one Jesus used, but they’re preeettttttty sure. This tomb and wine press place belonged to Joseph of Arimathia, and he gave his tomb for Jesus to use. From the clues and info we get from the Bible about it, this tomb was could definitely be Jesus’s. In my opinion, it was his tomb, and I got to go inside today.
Moon and Chelsea, waiting to go inside the tomb, and waiting to see where Jesus laid and where he rose.
This is it, the entrance to the tomb. This isn’t quite how it looked way back in the day, because there was like an earthquake or something that knocked down part of the entrance, and some people rebuilt hundreds of years ago, but it is so cool. The inside of the tomb was much smaller than I thought it would be though.
Into the tomb… and as someone else is coming out, which makes the picture a wee bit creepy.
Plaque on the door: “He is not here, for He is risen.”
Some cool peeps chillin’ outside the tomb on the benches.
Beautiful Jessica (who gave an excellent talk in church today), in the beautiful garden.
This place is beautiful. Today we had a little tour guide guy who told us all about everything, and I’m excited to go back when I can just go back and find and nice little secluded spot to write in my journal. You gotta love that journaling, especially on Shabbat, especially at the Garden Tomb.
Cate and Miriam… smiling as we’re about to sit there and sing beautiful hymns. He is Risen, Christ, the Lord, is Risen Today, How Great Thou Art, and I Know that My Redeemer Lives. It was so good sitting in the park at the Garden Tomb, singing beautiful hymns about the Savior and about the Resurrection. Being here in Jerusalem is incredible.
Marianne and Chelsea, saying goodbye to Garden Tomb, until a couple Shabbats from now.
Flowers! The area around the Garden Tomb is like a beautiful little park, with flowers and pathways, and to top it off, the tomb is there. Wow.
Leaving the Garden Tomb, with my new found flower. Oh how I miss putting the beautiful Hawaiian flowers in my hair…
A beautiful sunset, the end to a fabulous Shabbat.

Omar and the Olive Wood

22 January 2009
Omar is a man who has a shop here full of amazing olive wood carvings. He does them all himself. His work is amazing, it really is. And all of his carvings are totally for LDS people too. His best customers are us students I’m sure. His carvings really are incredible though, and beautiful. Omar is quite the artist. And he’s got carvings of everything, Christ of course, Moroni, Nephi, Relief Society thigs, CTR, abstract carvings of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus, camels, and… he has nativities too. I think I might have to invest in one of them babies. I’ll definately be getting something.
Dearest Mother… here’s some pictures so you can see the lovely nativity selection.
This nativity has quite a bit of detail and is $140 I think.
I really liked these abstract ones, such cool beans. This is $90.
This nativity costs $90 too, and I maybe like it better. I don’t know Joe, too many decisions in my life.
The Big One: this nativity has so many characters and so much amazingness to it. And with the star at the top, you can twist it and it plays Christmas music! There is so much detail to every single figure. This nativity costs $300. Here’s another thing in the Holy Land that is incredible edible egg.
I don’t know what I want to get or what I want to do, but I definitely will buy something from good ol’ Omar. He’s just so great. There’s a few fabulous shopkeepers around here who just love us “Mormon University” students. It’s so excellent.

Kotel Tunnel Tour

22 January 2009
Wednesday… another field trip! We have the coolest field trips around here.
We went to the Kotel tunnels. They are a bunch of tunnels underground along the part Western Wall that is underground. More city was built up on top of the wall waaaay back in the day. There was this guy who took us all around through the tunnels and explained all of this incredible history to us. Again, it’s hard to realize I’m actually here in the Holy Land.
Waiting around for the tour to start…
Schlomo… hehehe. I don’t know what this sign was on, but I took it as we were waiting around.
Seven branch candelabra, symbol of Judaism. 

Chelsea + Western Wall + Dome of the Rock

Western Wall (most holy site to Judaism). Dome of the Rock (one of the Islam’s holy places).

The Rampton brothers, of Eagle River, Alaska! Yay Alaska crew!

Lauren and Chelsea… happy in Jerusalem and at Kotel! Time for the tour!

model of the 2nd temple, which was destroyed in 70ish AD.

Pretty signs…

Our tour guide, who told us about this stone that the Romans could not destroy. This one single stone is bigger than a bus! How did they do it?

As all field trips are… this one was fabulous as well. The tunnels were pretty crazy daisy. And it’s so interesting learning about all this history. And learning why the Western Wall is so sacred and holy, and learning what it was like way back in Jesus’s time. This place it soooo good. Jerusalem all the way. Yay yay.

Free Day in Jerusalem

19 January 2009
Our first day with no class that wasn’t Shabbat, so what does one do when free to venture around Jerusalem?  
Why walk the walls surrounding the Old City of course! (Followed by an afternoon of shopping and bartering…)

One of my fun fun cooooool roomies, Carly, and I after we had paid our 11 shekels ($3ish) to walk around the walls.

Kara and I, excited to embark on a  2 1/2 hour long journey.

Posing it up in a little mini cave/ windowless window on the way up the stairs.

Kara Schumacher. Yeah, she’s pretty cool.

Walking around the wall! There were like 30 of us at first doing it, but eventually we all spread out. As you can see, Marianne and I are pretty excited about this adventure.

Behind a sweet, old gate.

Carly and I are so happy to be cruising in Jerusalem too! And this was before the Jerusalem cruisers.

Up on the wall, we could see soooo much. Beautiful views. I’m feel like I’m in a time warp in this city.

By this cool garden on people rooftops basically, I think.

Door. Wall. Street. Old City. 

Mini photoshoot, as we walk. 

Oh Jerusalem!

Roomies (+Shamra)!! What good adventures we have. This city is so crazy amazing. Amacrazing.

We like those photo shoots.

Behind Kara and I is… hmm… I forgot actually. But I think it might be the hill that Christ was crucified on. I don’t remember right now. Maybe later. There’s just so much to learn…. so much.

BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies!!! I love this place.

Little boys like to play.
Here is one of them. He had a very very cute little puppy. 
Stopping for a little snack break. We had a loooong walk. 

She gave him some money to take a picture of him and the puppy, and he kept asking for more.

So did they. 

Lauren and Chelsea!

Walking the wall, in Jerusalem, whoa.

We were trying to take this picture so that the Dome of the Rock would be a little hat on my head, but it didn’t work too extremely fabulously.

When we finally got done with our long trip around the wall, six of us girls went to the Old City for a bit of shopping. They got some candy to hook up the Shekel Shaq at the Center.

I bought the sweeeetest Jerusalem cruisers, made out of camel leather. Oh they are blessed sandals. And for 50 shekels, which is about $12. In case you guys didn’t know, I LOVE THEM. But this picture isn’t that good of them. I’ll get some better ones up later. And I’ll also get some of the most amazing bag that I bought on this lovely day.

In the Old City we went to the Jewish Quarter too. I really liked it there. So clean and open aaaannnddd…

I bought a yummy yummy piece of pizza. So if you’re in the Jewish Quarter, you should go to this place. It was good, and Kosher, a must here in the Holy Land.