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Curse you, dairy.

15 January 2010
I feel sick.
My stomach hurts.
I ate popcorn with butter on it and do not feel good.
I would like to throw up.
I stopped eating dairy in July, and now whenever I eat it I feel sick. Dairy is why I kept getting stomach aches over Christmas break, because I ate so many yummy cookies full of milk and butter. But I’m glad my stomach can’t handle dairy anymore, because I don’t like it at all. Not at all.
With the exception of the dairy stomach ache, I had a delightful day, and an even more delightful night! I had a fun little party with these lovely ladies this evening and it was marvelous.

We drank yummy yummy delectable tea.
We ate quinoa.
We painted our nails.
We watched 500 Days of Summer.
We ate homemade popcorn.
And we talked, a lot.
I love these girlies.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

I love Avatar!

14 January 2010

Especially in 3D!

But seriously, it is such a good movie. I loved it. I wish I was as connected to nature and trees and energy as the indigenous people in the movie. So good. And the 3D was pretty much awesome. Stacy, Erin, Aryana, Anita, and I all looked great in the sweet glasses too.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Coming soon to an airport near me.

13 January 2010

    Sister is flying over the Pacific Ocean!
    I’m excited for her to come back, but I will really miss having the room to myself. 
    I have so much to do. Lots of homework already. Feeling slightly overwhelmed with all the school and church things.
    By the way, I hate the word “overdraft.” Oh bugger. Where’d all my money go?
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

background change

9 January 2010

It’s time for a background change. No more festive Christmas background for 11 months or so.

But which one to choose? There’s so many good backgrounds on the world wide web! I like to get them from here and here and here.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


9 January 2010

Tonight I spent a few hours deep cleaning our nasty dirty kitchen and living room. It is oh so wonderful now!
I love it clean. Love it love it.

And I made beautifully crafted chore chart for our house and us four girls, so hopefully this house will be clean all semester long.
I do love a clean environment. It just makes everything better.

I love it here.
And I love it in Jerusalem.
And I love it in Alaska too.


Happy Epiphany!

6 January 2010

Today celebrates the Wise Men coming from afar and giving gifts to Baby Jesus. I wanted to give gifts today too, but I didn’t really. My excuse is that I flew 2500 miles over the Pacific Ocean. But I know, I should’ve planned ahead.

Classes started today. I missed them. Oops.
I got back a day late, but I saved $150 on airfare! :)
Not a bad choice I think.
Dear Stacy, I squished a dumb, creepy bug on your pillow. Sorry. And yes, it is good to be back here. I am really enjoying my alone time for the week, but I still kind of miss you Sister, especially that hat you wear in my race car bed.
P.S. I actually squished the bug on the ceiling, not on your pillow, unfortunately. 
P.P.S. ONE YEAR AGO today, I was on my way to Jerusalem, beginning the greatest journey of my life. I miss it so much, and nope, I will never stop missing it. You can’t. 

 Moi exactly one year ago in the airport with my new pink pillow, headed to the Holy Land.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Un Papier!

17 December 2009

I still have a ten page paper left to write, due tomorrow at noon, but I’m all done with exams and studying! Before I start writing though, I’m celebrating finishing tests by mindlessly unwinding on my computer, and in my mindless wanderings I came across these pictures…

My my time flies when you’re Harry Potter,
Actually, my my time flies anyway.
Speaking of flying… I cannot wait to get on an airplane and fly to snowy and cold Alaska! I’m so ready to be done with the semester and go HOME to the fam bam.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Sunny Days

15 December 2009
ON THIS SUNNY DAY I got this most wonderful poster in the mail from this most beautiful friend.
ON THIS SUNNY DAY I spotted this girl on the beach, wearing a nice, big, funny hat. She is one of the girls that I often like to refer to simply as “Sister”.
ON THIS SUNNY DAY I went to the Swap Meet and got these sweet new sunglasses, among many other lovely items.
ON THIS SUNNY DAY, today, I saw very little sunshine. I was in class, taking tests, and studying all day long, with much more studying to do, as well as working on my group presentation. Unfortunately my sunshine exposure today was quite meager. And…
I am overwhelmed with studying.
On Friday I finished a group presentation.
I have another one tomorrow.
Today I took religion and self defense finals.
Tomorrow I will take my intercultural communication final, my anatomy final, and a retake test for physiology.
Wednesday I will take my last physiology test.
I have four physiology articles to read and three lab reports.
And Thursday, I have a ten page paper due for peacebuilding.
And of course I have Christmas presents to prepare.
I am overwhelmed. That doesn’t happen very often.
I can’t wait for Thursday, to be done with this stuff.
And more importantly, I can’t wait for 7 am on Saturday morning, when I’ll fly into Homer, AK!
P.S. I hope these days of Hanukkah are going well for you!
Hawai'i, Uncategorized


7 December 2009

I love Christmas time, so much. And I love it even more after watching the First Presidency’s Christmas devotional. You should watch it too. So good. Makes me focus on keeping the “Christ” in “Christmas”.

We’re celebrating Christ’s birthday.
What gifts are you going to give?

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Farewell Ting Ting…

6 December 2009

Our dear friend Tingy is leaving Hawaii again, not coming back for a while.
So glad he got to come back this semester, but so sad he’s leaving again.
I’m gonna miss this crazy dude. He’s basically one of the coolest people ever.
I certainly do like this Ting friend of mine, but we’ll see you later alligator.
Thanks for being so wonderful to us all.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

21 years ago

5 December 2009
this girl was born. Oh how that day has changed my life, bringing me the most happiness ever. Happy Birthday bestie friend.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Pita Party!

5 December 2009

    Chelsie Tavernier and I ran into each other tonight on our runs and we decided we needed to have a fun little Jerusalem party. We wanted Moon and Kara there too, but sadly they were busy, so Chels and I partied anyway.
    I put on my genie pants and Jerusalem sandals, went and picked up Chels, and we drove to the store to get pitas. A little side note, we listened to Arabic techno and Jerusalem by Matisyahu the whole car ride, while talking about our fellow JCites.
    Once we had our whole wheat pitas (yum yum) we went back to my house and got out the goods. Hummus, almond butter, jam, peanut butter, and honey. (Sorry, no nutella or halva spread). Then we plopped our pitas in the toaster, put on Aladdin, and began our feast. Twas marvelous!
    P.S. We decided not to watch Aladdin and went to the Blind Side instead, a very very good movie. Loved it. You should watch it.
    Salaam and Shalom!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

barefoot run

5 December 2009

My wonderful little feet ran over grass, mud, and rocks tonight, under a beautiful, starry, Hawaiian sky. So perfect.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

I can’t wait!

4 December 2009

December 19th, 7 am, I will be in home in Homer, Alaska! 

I can’t wait for it to be so cold that my hair frosts over like mad.

I can’t wait to cruise around Beluga Lake in this get up.

Oh yes, and I can’t wait to see these people.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized


1 December 2009

I am grateful for this month of November and it’s dedication to gratitude. And I’m grateful for my daily posts of thankfulness this month because I am so much more grateful for everything! How wonderful is this life?! Very wonderful!

If you would like to know my innermost gratitude and what I am veeeeeery thankful for, go back to my Thanksgiving Day post.

P.S. I’m also grateful for the song called I’m Grateful by Bianca Merkley. Very good. And it’s even done by my Jerusalem roommate’s sister in law. Excellent tunes she has. Check it out.

P.P.S. I’m not grateful Carla isn’t here with me anymore. I miss her quite a lot already and she’s only been gone a few hours.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Alexander Graham Bell

30 November 2009

I am forever grateful for Mr. Alexander Graham Bell because he invented the first telephone! What would I  if I couldn’t talk on the tellie? I guess I would write more letters, which I should do anyway.
I’m also grateful that cell phones were invented too, and that they aren’t as big as a toaster anymore like they used to be. And I’m especially grateful for cell phones because then I can talk to whoever, whenever, wherever. Isn’t it incredible?

I called my uncle Jaret tonight to wish him happy birthday and it was so fun talking to him. He’s pretty much the most hilarious dude on the planet. He cracks me up. I tried convincing him to come to AK for Christmas. Really really hope he does!
So a big thank you to the geniuses who have revolutionized the communication world.

As for texting… hmmm… I don’t. But these days, I kind of want to a little bit. But I’ve just been kind of anti texting for so long. I suppose that’s a bit irrational though. Texting is pretty good, I just hate when people are obnoxiously out of control and rude with it, which happens. Hmm, maybe I should become more pro texting and cave to the societal pressures forcing themselves upon me.