is good.
But it is much better when you’re not being forced to do it.
Speaking of that, I no like HRI lately.
They’re the property management people over our house.
They are being especially dumb these days.
Our dearest wonderful Anita friend just turned 22. To celebrate the anniversary of her birth, we presented her with a yummy vegan cupcake on the beach at midnight.
Then we had a party at our house after church and Anita got to blow out more candles and make more wishes! Hooray!
We had some yummy yummy food. Quinoa, fruits, veggies, hummus, lumpia, cookies, and cupcakes! Yummo! Twas fabulouso.
That girl is so wonderful. I love her so much. What would I do without her in my life? I just love being with her so muchos. She makes me a happy girl. And so HAPPY birthday to yo Anito!
putting a lei on dearest Gibby
Leinani, my wonderful 2nd counselor, with leis up to her eyeballs
Jesus and April, my favorite Mexicans :)
Becky and Tareiha, wonderful wonderful sisters
This will be me someday sort of soon, suffocating in leis, probably in three more semesters, or about 2013. :)
Done with papers!
Done with homeworks!
Done with exams!
Done with class!
And I am freeeee for a week!
To celebrate this blessed event, I went thrift shopping with Katie and Nate. There’s this awesome Goodwill Surplus store downtown and we found a wicked good Savers too. It was an absolutely delightful day of freedom. I love thrift stores so so much. And I really love those Williams a lot too. Perfect.
Sister and I made a bunch of yummy candy leis too because graduation is almost here! Glad I’m not graduating yet. Very glad.
Semeester is almost done.
Been spending a lot of time in Hale 5 lately with all my lovely Relief Society sisters. I just love them all a lot. A lot.
Sat in Kenze girl’s room the other night and watched her pack. :) Took her to the airport early in the morn and I’m gonna miss that girly. I’ll miss all those girlies.
I love our Relief Society.
Had a class party at Brother Ford’s house too, complete with Rock Band, yummy food, and some very good people.
Went to April’s art show too. She just keeps getting more and more incredible.
Got a sweet awesome box from Tingy boy in the mail too, full of wonderful presents. And I got a very happy card from Sashie. I just know the greatest people in the world. But really if you get to know people well enough, they’re all pretty great.
You know what else is the best? Waking up and discovering Sister hid a little Easter bag full of chocolate treats for me to find. I love Easter time.
That’s what I decided to name my penguin friend.
Why, may you ask, am I naming my penguin friend Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen…
The answer is threefold.
1.) I like to give names to inanimate objects, whether it is a bike, laptop, car, cell phone, or any one of my many little friends, I like when they have good names.
2.) Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen is one of those good names!
3.) It’s Bunsen Burner Day! And Robert Wilhelm Eberhard von Bunsen invented the Bunsen Burner! Perfecto.
I just found this happy happy picture while browsing through my Jerusalem friends old blogs, back in the Jerusalem days most of them blogged. :)
A grand mahalos to Moon for taking this lovely picture.
Oh how I miss times like these with such dear friends, holding hands and skipping through enchanted forest paths… how beautiful.
Twas Passover today (and pretty full moon). I didn’t really celebrate though. It’s not as easy celebrating Jewish holidays when you’re not living in a Jewish state.
I surely had a Passover feast last year though. I even sang Hebrew songs and read translated Hebrew stories too. How awesome is that.
But today I read in the New Testament about Jesus and his apostles’ Passover feast. That night was His last night before he was crucified, the night He suffered for every pain and every sin and for every person in the world.
So blessed that I got to go to Jerusalem and study these stories on site, where they happened about 2000 years ago. So blessed.
Wish I had some sort of Passover party today. All I did mostly was go to class. Nutrition, soccer, and peacebuilding. I maybe did a little bit of homeworks/hdub today too. Not the most eventful Passover, but still a good day of course.
This day is so much more special to me since a year ago, when I got to do the Palm Sunday processional walk in JERUSALEM, on a hot hot sunny day, with thousands of other devoted Christians.
Just as Christ’s followers did 2000 years ago, we carried palm leaves and walked from Bethphage to St. Anne’s church inside Lion’s Gate. What an incredible experience. I’m just so blessed to have learned and enjoyed all I have with such good people.
I talked with Bishop after church today. He is so so wonderful. So inspired and guided by the spirit. Was so comforting and encouraging talking with him. Talked to him about some good Relief Society stuffs and also… about going on a mission, which I’m doing this fall. Crazy. But so good. So exciting.
Also had a super fabulous vegan feast party with the neighbors and fellow vegetarian type peoples. Absolutely lovely. Hopefully we’ll have another one next week for Easters!
Don’t forget to read the post about my dear birthday sister who I love muchos. :)
I love Hawaiian state holidays, especially Prince Kuhio Day. No class and our Black and White ward dinner dance activity.
Since I’ve got a sweet ride and a costco card, I took the boys to Costcoland this morning to get foods for the activity. Then help set up for it in the ballroom and fun stuffs.
Had quite a lovely time with the activity. Helped clean up at the end and did a lot of piano playing in the ballroom. Twas marvelous. I must do more piano fun.
P.P.S. I bought And So It Goes on itunes. Billy Joel is the man.
As is Prince Kuhio!
This is my sister. Today we are celebrating her day of birth. What a beautifully joyous day. I love birthdays so much. I love sister too.
-her playing dumb about computer things so I’ll do them for her
-her cottage love
-her sporting her new sunglasses
-her musketeerishness
-her pebbles hair
-her toe
-her on top of it – ness
-her family devotion
-her books
-her m&m love
-her dinosaur
-her eyebrow raising

-her products and supplies she lets me steal
-her attempt at accents
-her in her blue aloha work shirt
-her sharing acai with me
-her beach dedication and love
-her being called boy
-her muted side of the closet
-her cockroach killing skills
-being able to do everything with her
-and I especially love her love for me
I just love this girl so much. I think I love her more than I realize. It’s so nice seeing her everyday. It’s so nice going to bed with my last words for the day being, “Goodnight, love you.” Things are just so good.
Hoppy Birthday Sister Dear.
I’m not a big fan of the ends of semesters. Too much to do. Too many papers to write, exams to study for, projects to do. Maybe I should start working on semester projects earlier in the semester. Yes. I should.
P.S. A year ago I had just stopped at Caesarea Maritima to reunite with the sea, the Mediterranean Sea. We were headed to Galilee, where I had some of the best times of life. Never stop missing it.
Carla boy got here Sunday night. Yay! We are little boys in this picture.
A week of sleeping three people in two beds. It’s kind of awesome. Kind of not.
Monday was my birthday! I went to one class and skipped two. We were happy about that.
While Carla was here, we did cartwheels…
We took pictures at bus stops…
and in abandoned buildings.
It was a very happy birthday thanks to my loved ones.
Especially when I got to make wishes. I love that.
The next day we had another very lovely photo shoot.
So glad dear Sister was here for this one.
Quite happy Carla was there too.
Then came St. Patrick’s Day! We played on the beach…
and explored Chinatown…
stopped at Pearl Harbor for a few minutes…
and found a super awesome Goodwill. I love that place.
Thursday commenced with an early morning barefoot hike into the mountains. How lovely.
Around midday we went the fabulous Polynesian Cultural Center, along with some cross dressers who we discretely took this picture of as they were behind us.
That evening we made some spectacular cookies. Thank you Mother dear!
After going to one class on Friday, Carla and I went on another barefoot hike through the jungle…
where we jumped off a rock into a cascading waterfall. Yay!
Went to the movies that night too. I like movies.
Adventure Saturday! The Three Musketeers and our two movie star friends did the Makapuu hike.
C Dawg and I spotted some sailboats!
Stacy spotted some pools of water that we need to go further explore.
We did some Waikiki action too and ate way too many chocolate covered macadamia nuts.
Sunday we churched it up of course and I took Carla boy to the airport that evening. Sad to say goodbye yet again. Why do we always have to say goodbye? I miss that girl a lot. But at least I’ve still got the other musketeer here with me.
An entire day devoted to celebrating myself… how wonderful is that! Birthdays are nothing but glorious.
Started my day with a lovely beach run.
Went to one class. Skipped two.
Came home to a beautifully decorated house.
Had a photo shoot with my favorite Carla girl.
Enjoyed a little party with my three favorite amigas.
Open some very lovely presents.
Ate some magically delicious chocolate.
More peeps came over later for cake.
I made wishes.
They’ll come true.
broken is my phone
broken is my communication avec mi amigos
hoping and praying for little phone to fix itself soon