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Three Musketeers

29 November 2009
I am so grateful for the amazing Three Musketeers fun we are having! We’ve been having more adventures in the few days Carla’s been here than we have all semester. It’s so fun and happy! And except for the first beach picture, look at all we’ve done today!
Three Musketeers at the beach
Three Musketeers at Jack Johnson tree
Three Musketeers skydiving (minus Stacy)
Three Musketeers at a scenic point
Three Musketeers at Hanauma Bay
Three Musketeers at PCC
Thank you Three Musketeers. You make me happy.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized


28 November 2009

Today I am grateful for jumpsuits. Who wouldn’t be grateful for these?

We discovered these beautiful jumpsuits at Salvation Army in Kailua after a very full day of:

-eating deliciouso acai bowls from Kava Roots
-watching world cup surf competitions on Sunset Beach
-stopping at a fruit stand and buying local pummelo, mango, and coconut
-cruising all along the North Shore while rocking out to sweet jams
-and laughing all the way ha ha ha

And then… more laughs as soon as I put on this majestic silky green jumpsuit.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


26 November 2009

Today is Thanksgiving. It’s all about gratitude. I am most thankful for:

<> Family

*Mumsy, my favorite person in the world. I love her so much and don’t know what I would do without her. She does anything and everything for me, plus, she makes delicious cookies. She’s kinda crazy but pretty hilarious. She is so wonderful and giving to eeeeveryone. Wow. I just really like her a lot and can’t wait to see her!

*Daddy O, my most favorite dad of all dads in the world. He is also quite hilarious. He just cracks me up! Like me mother dear, he has also dedicated his entire life to me (as well as my other siblings). I am so grateful for ol’ pops because without him, my life would be way less cool and I would’ve experienced and learned so much less. He’s a very good dad, my dad is, and I love our grand adventures we’ve had.
   *Lee, I’m thankful she’s my dear ol’ Dad’s wife, bringing him happiness. She does a lot, busy with work and the Ark all the time. Someone has to manage and she does it quite well. She’s also brought those two girls, which she and Dad have done so so much for, improving their lives immensely.
   *Reanna, my step mom’s granddaughter, I suppose that makes her my step niece. She’s had a lot to deal with in her life, but she’s done so well. She’s such a wonderful girly, and she’s an incredible older sister, really incredible. Reanna’s so good, hugs me every time she sees me, and not only that, but she has some wicked awesome green nail polish.
   *Lauren, my other step niece, and a crazy cool girl. She’s so happy and cutesy and always up for anything. She and Reanna are such good sisters, even though they are like five years apart. Lauren also hugs me when she sees me and… she can stand on her head like no one else I’ve ever met.

*Holly, oh my wonderful sister Oolly girl. She is definitely quite an amazing person. She amazes me, that’s why she’s amazing. She always does so so muchos for others, and she makes really yummy food. Holly girl’s life is just full of service all the time. I just love that inspiring sister sister of mine.
   *Jordi Jordin, H Girl’s husband and my excellent brother in law. My dear sister just loves him so so much and he loves her so so much and they are so good to each other. I’m grateful for him because of how good and happy he makes my sister’s life. And he’s a pretty cool dude too. He’s just a good person. I’m so glad he’s in our fam, makes it so so much more exciting.
   *Miss Natalie Ann, my darling three year old niece. Oh that girly makes me happy. I’m so so grateful I got to see her come into this world. Wow, that was incredible. But little Natalie just gets cuter and cuter everyday! I talked to her on the tellie the other day and I had forgotten how cute and lovely she was. I can’t wait to see her soon and play with her funny little self. I like to get in giant boxes and color them with her, and I still like to do it even when she gets out, but I like it better with her in.
   *Katy Lynn, I’m thankful for my one year old niece too, who is also so so cute. She just came out here to Hawaii with Holly and I had also forgotten how darling she was. I love her! These little girlies are just the greatest! I love being an aunty and I love having darling nieces. Katy potatie is a bit of a fuss bucket, but so darling anyway.

*Stacy girl, my roomie. What would I do without that crazy head? She seriously is a crazy head, people just don’t know like I do. And I’m so lucky that I know, because I really like this girl and I’m so glad we live together. I even like sharing a room with her. Weird, maybe, but not really. I love this sister of mine because it’s just so comfortable with her, sisters are just so good. And I really love her because she’s hilarious. She cracks me up in a knee slapping kind of way. “Sistaaaa!”

*Jakey boy, my dearest brother, who I often refer to as Best Friend. I just think he’s super cool, one of the coolest dudes on the planet. I love Brother. And guess what, he’s going to be a dentist in a few years. Is that incredible or what? I’m so proud of that brother of mine, doing good things. Aaand I also looove fishing with him. Capt. Jake is the coolest cappie on the sea. I really like playing with him in the summer, fun summer fun. I just really really love the brother of mine.

*Robbyyyy Reeves! I love Robby Reeves. He’s basically my brother and I love him a lot. He’s the coolest happy kid ever. He doesn’t live with us anymore and I miss him a lot. Robby is for real the best. He’s the happiest, most content, unconditionally loving person ever. I miss Roberta, playing with his cars, shouting into his microphone. Oh he’s so good.

<> Friends

*Carlita Deefinbooger, more commonly known as Carla. My bestie friend since age 8, my bestie friend now, my bestie friend forever. I can’t tell you how much I love this girl and how thankful I am for her. My life would be significantly less cool without her. Though she moved away when we were 14, we’ve only become better friends. We still see each other whenever we can and we always always have the most fun! I just loooove Carla and how much fun we have and how perfect it is with her. It’s just so natural and easy and absolutely wonderful. You don’t get best friends like her very often. I’m such a lucky ducky.

*Janey, one of my greatest friends since we were wee little ones. Played together all the time. Happy happy. I’m grateful for Jane and her funny self and her sweet minivan and her coolness. Jane and I have had the greatest times ever, swimming in the ocean in a blizzard, climbing trees, jumping in the harbor, playing super nintendo, making movies, cross country skiing… ah… so fun. So lucky to have a wonderful little friend like Janey girl.

*Lilly girl, the greatest roommate anyone could ever ask for. We were roomies in Hale 2 for three glorious semesters. She’s from Fiji and she’s incredible. I learned so much from Lilly because she is absolutely one of the best people I know. I love her so much and am so grateful she taught me all she did. Oh that girl is good. I miss her a lot a lot.

*Sisterhood love, Leana, April, Katie, Rachael, Anita, and Sasha. My most favorite girls at BYU Hawaii, who have brought me so much fun and happiness and love. Each of these sisters of mine is so wonderful and beautiful and I couldn’t ask for better people to be with here at school. So much love and gratitude for these girls, such wonderful friends.

*My favorite twinsies, Alexis and Elena, or Lexy and Lenny. :) They are such funny wonderful girlies and I love partying it up with them. I always am laughing so much with them. They are crazy! I love hanging out in 216 with them and doing random things. Oh and those girls are very very excellent at sending mail, and they’re geniuses. So much to learn from them.

*Dead Tree peeps, I am so grateful for them. My wonderful group of friends here at school. Members… a lot, a lot of people in the Hale 2 gang. They are the coolest. We had so much fun my first two years, partying all the time, in the lounge, out and about in Laie, oh it was grand. It is so awesome and so so nice having a solid wonderful group of friends that you always hung out with. Love them.

*My Jerusalem roomies, Lauren, Shamra, and Carly. We lived in Jerusalem together for four perfect months and it was indeed perfect. I loved our fabulous 408 room. It was the greatest! We had so much happy fun in there. Oh I can’t tell you how much I miss it and how much I miss those wonderful girls. Lauren and her happy happy laugh and her sweet Shabbat morning jams. Shamra and her giant tshirts and Christmas socks and irrational fears. She is hilarious and so one of a kind. Carly and her HP love and lovely Alice self. Our 408 room was perfect. I can’t tell you how much I miss it.

*My Jerusalem triumvirate, Marianne and Kara. It was us three in the Holy Land, always together, always adventuring, always happy. It was the best with them. We were the perfect adventure group, always wanting to do the same things, see the same things, buy the same things, it was the best. I loooove Kara and Marianne! They are the funnest two people to travel around the Holy Land with. I foresee more adventures in our future. I’m so grateful for those girls because the made my Jerusalem experience absolutely incredible.

<> Places

*Alaska, my home, I love it so so so much. It is the greatest place ever and I’m so glad I lived my first 18 years all in Homer, AK (and a few years in Anchor Point).
*Hawaii, my place of school, no better place to go to school. And BYU Hawaii is the absolute greatest school on the planet. I looooove how multicultural it is. It’s the greatest!
*Jerusalem, my love, my place of study, my new passion. The most incredible. I miss it so much, every single day. I love the Holy Land. Ah… peace. Jerusalem I love you immensely. Soooo lucky I was able to study there.

<> The Gospel

*Where would I be without the Gospel and with my knowledge of it? No where. I wouldn’t be here that’s for sure. The Gospel makes my life so wonderful and I am so so grateful to be brought up in the Church because it makes me happy happy! This is the foundation for the rest.
*Scriptures. Prophets. Prayer. Revelation. Church. Patriarchal Blessings. Spirit. Atonement. Seminary. We’ve got it all. It’s the best.

<> Jolly Goodness

*smelling fresh plumerias
*oatmeal for brekkie
*apple cider vinegar
*driving my sweet subie at home
*Christmas lights
*camel stickers
*Costco samples
*wedding invitations
*good neighbors
*plush carpet
*mama’s fresh bread
*shabbat shalom
*happy dogs
*reversible skirts
*puffy coats
*kitty magnets
*veganism, hooray for only eating plants!
*ice skating
*scrubbing boats
*being caught in a Hawaiian down pour
*freshly ground almond butter
*bike bells
*polka dots
*sweet jams
*my good life


Hawai'i, Uncategorized


26 November 2009

IS HERE! Stacy and I went and picked her up from the airport this afternoon. Do you like the pretty sign I held up for her so she knew who to come to? And do you like the beautiful leis around her neck, one of which I found in a garbage can at the airport?

Then we went and played at the mall for awhile, preparing for winter in Hawaii with these hats and scarves.

We went to Sephora in the mall too, and Carla and I put make up all over a faces. I made some nice eyeliner rainbows on my eyelids and put on red lipstick. Then when we went into Nordstrom, a lady asked me if I did my own make up. Hmmm….

Oh I am just having so much fun with my bestie friend! I’m sooooo grateful for Carla girl, besties since third grade, I just love her! And I can’t wait for Three Musketeers adventures this week! I just can’t tell you how thankful I am for her and how thankful I am she’s here.

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sandy paths

25 November 2009

My dear sister Holly made this beautiful path from our backyard out to the beach. There was a path there before but it was all covered with sticks and stuff. But now it is soooo nice and hopefully I will no longer stub my toes when I walk on it. A big mahalo to my dear sister for making a nice sandy path for us to walk on.

I am so so thankful that Holly and Katy came. We had sooo muchos fun. I loooved it. And I love Katy bug. My oh my that girly is a cutie patootie. I can’t wait to go home at Christmas and see them again, and everyone else too! Yay!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


23 November 2009

Today I tried not using my thumbs for a while. It’s very very extremely difficult, but I definitely recommend it. I now have whole new appreciation for my thumbs!

If I didn’t have my cute little thumbs:
  *I couldn’t type as speedily, trust me, I’m trying right now.
  *I couldn’t eat my oatmeal very well, or anything actually, toast, apples, everything yummy
  *I couldn’t hitchhike, not that I ever have anyway
  *I couldn’t give thumbs up anymore
  *I’d be the worst super nintendo player ever
  *I couldn’t wash my hair very well, I tried this morning. You can’t shower without those thumbs.
  *and as for going to the bathroom… I didn’t try, because I knew I would fail.

I am so grateful for my thumbs, which do nothing but create ease, beauty, and happiness in my life.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

L. Tom Perry

23 November 2009

came here to Laie for a Hawaii regional conference. I know, that’s pretty huge. The Prophet was supposed to come too, but since his wife fell, he had to stay home with her. But still, an apostle of the Lord… wow. It doesn’t get too much bigger than that in the Church.

So today I am grateful for L. Tom Perry, an apostle, who is a completely devoted servant of the Lord and a special witness of Christ. It was quite wonderful hearing from an apostle in real life today. So blessed that that’s what you get when you’re at one of the Lord’s four universities.
And might I add that this one here in Hawaii is the best.

Sisters and Katy and I went and took pictures at the temple today after conference. So beautiful. I love it.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized


22 November 2009

is the name this car that I am sitting in with Katy.

To resume my daily November posts of gratitude, let me tell you why I am thankful for Wilma.

First of all, Wilma is a white, 98 dodge neon with 74 K miles. Stacy and I have $1300 into the old girl, which is pretty grand, especially since we should get that back when we sell it in June.

Though she might not be the prettiest car on the island, she does just what we need her to. She takes us to all sorts of good places where we have all sorts of good fun.

I am so grateful for grandiose adventures with Wilma.

Today Wilma took my sisters, my niece, and I:
 -to get yummmmmy yummy acai bowls
 -to see the sea turtles on the beach in Haleiwa
 -to Goodwill, which I love so much
 -to Target, to buy a few more random things
 -annnnnd to fabulous Laie, home for now.

Thank you, Wilma, for increasing my quality of life tenfold.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

sister fun on beach

21 November 2009
I always love playing with Stacy girl on the beach, but now I get to play with Holly girl too! Soooo fun. We are all having so much sister fun together. Love it love it. Happy happy. Thankful thankful.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized


19 November 2009

I talked with Bishop tonight and wow, he is really wonderful. All bishops are so wonderful, just incredible men. So giving, so dedicated, so loving. I’m so so grateful for bishops and their guidance and their service and the endless hours the devote to the ward. What would we do without them? Thank you bishops.

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my favorite twinsies

18 November 2009
I’m thankful for these crazy girls. I sure like them a lot and they are really funny bunnies. I like to play with them, but haven’t been doing that enough lately. We have good crazy head fun. These two are just definitely my most favorite crazy twins in the world.
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Holly and Katy

17 November 2009
are here in fabulous Hawaii!
And I am so thankful to be playing with both my sisters at the same time! And with my cutesy little niece.
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this girl

16 November 2009

It’s her birthday today, and I really love her so much. I’m so grateful for Miss Katie because she makes me instantly happy every time I see her. She is one of the most delightful and absolutely wonderful girls I know. I just love her. I’m so thankful she is in my life, because she inspires me with her incredibleness.

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thrift stores!

15 November 2009

Thank you thrift stores! They bring nothing but joy to my life! Is there any better place to buy stuff? The answer is no way jose! I especially like Hawaiian thrift stores because they are filled to the max with aloha shirts and mumus!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


13 November 2009

     This magical Thursday November 12th is a beautiful Thankful Thursday, and today I am thankful for the documentary film Promises. It examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the perspectives of both Israeli and Palestinian children. 

     I liked it a lot and you should too (especially my Jerusalem peeps). Watch it on youtube. It’s 1.5 hours long and in 11 segments.
     It made me wish I was still in the Middle East, but lots of things do that since I miss everything so much.
     I watched this for my intercultural peacebuilding class and it was a great way to really see how extremely difficult and time consuming peacebuilding is. But then you can see that peace, in very small steps, IS possible.

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12 November 2009

I am making wishes… and they are coming true.
All thanks be to this magical day of November 11th.