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3 Months

22 March 2011

I’ve been in Brasil 3 months today!
I’ve eaten lots and lots rice and beans, too much cake and ice cream, lots of popsicles, açaí bowls, pão minuto, not enough peanut butter, and the best fruits in the world. 
I’ve drank lots and lots of water and sweated lots and lots of water out. 
I’ve learned quite a bit of portugûes.
I’ve met some of the best people in the world.
I’ve taught about 300 lessons, done about 2500 contacts, and… finally had a baptism! 

I love this. And good news… we have another baptism next week! Good things to come.


Ola familia e amigos!!!

17 March 2011
Olá família e amigos!
Tomorrow is my birthday hip hip hooray! Birthdays are the best! And
tomorrow is going ot be soooo good because we’re having a sisters
training for the seven sisters in our mission with President and Sister
Pickett! Yay! We need more sisters. The world needs more sister
The work here is improving, thank goodness. :) It’s been kind of
slow mo for a while, but we have a baptism on the 20th adn another on
the 26th! So yay we’re sooo soo excited and it is so wonderful to see
the fruits of your labors. We’re still knocking ltos of doors and
talking to people everywhere we go looking for those elect. What we
really need to focus more on is getting referrals from the members,
because that’s where the gold is at. :)
Sister Morales and I are having an excelletn time, cracking up all
day long, testifying lots and lots, walkign in the hot hot sun, and the
wet wet rain. It’s like rainy time now (thank goodness) so it’s less
hot, but sooo sooo wet. Fun stuff.
Missionary life is great. I’m loving it a lot. Happy day to you all!
Sister Owens

Born Dia!

13 March 2011

Bom dia! 
It`s carnaval time here in Brasil! Last week there was some giant street party and strangely dressed people and loud music and things, but week it is just deadsville. Here in Vitoria everyone leaves for Carnaval and there is like no one around. So it`s pretty uneventful. 
And good news, the work here for Sister Morales and I is imporving! We`re finding some fantastico people who I really love a lot a lot, and we should be having two batismos this month! Finally! :) So hooray! Exciting things ahead, always!
Something else exciting.. General Conference is soon! Yay! And yesterday was my 5 month mark. Crazy daisy.
And more good news, it`s cooled down a little bit, just a little bit. And it`s been raining. Thank goodness. Such a nice break. It`s always so hot all day every day. :)
Things are cool to the max here. I loooove Brasil and this area and my dear companion and this ward and this food and these people. Although I really really miss peanut butter and cookies.
My favorite moment of the week was Sunday morning when one of our investigators was awake and all ready for church and we didn`t have to wake them up or anything! Her name is Alderina and she is so funny and fantastic and it was like the best moment ever when she came out all ready for church! 
Missions are the best!
Com amor, Sister Owens


Happy Day!

6 March 2011

Transfers are tomorrow and gooood news! My wonderful companion and I are staying here together another transfer! I love this area and love this ward and am excited about the people we are teaching!
Missions are the best. I’m learning so much.
And I’m almost at my 5 month mark! Which is almost 6 months. Which is like a third of my mission. omg I can’t believe it. Yes, I just wrote omg. :)
Pretty much still loving all of this! Have a happy day! Say your prayers. :)


25 February 2011

Today marks two months in Brasil! Weirdo. Kind of feels like I’ve been here forever, but it feels like I just got here. We’ve got one week left of this transfer and I think they’ll be some definite changes. I tihnk I’ll stay here, but probably get a new companion. You never know though. But you always know that it is exactly the way it needs to be and exactly the way the Lord wants it. 

We still have no baptisms here. Don’t know what is going on. It’s hard though because it really makes you doubt a lot. It’s like what are we not doing right, are we not working hard enough, what more can we be doing, where are those elect that the Lord is preparing? But I guess this is just a down time, which means we’ve got A LOT of good up ahead somewhere. There’s always lots of good ahead. 

Portuguese, I love it of course. It amazes me a lot of times when I realize how much I’m understanding, especially at church. There’s still an endess amount of words I don’t know, but I can usually get the whole story pretty well. It is so nice not being so lost all the time. But it also amazes me a lot, when I realize how much I don’t understand, how much more there is to learn, and when my mind just draws a blank and I can’t express myself. Ups and downs, ups and downs. :)

I love Brasilians. These people and this culture and this land are fantastic. Trying to still get used to the deathly heat and humidity. It’s a struggle. But at least I’m in an area on the coast right now, with a nice little breeze, so it’s much less hot than other places. Adn it is so nice having sunshine all the time. :)

By the way I got 6 letters yesterday and it was so glorious! Mail is the best ever. Muita obrigada for sending me mail Carla and Cottam fam and Sashie and my fam and Sister Cahoon and Lilly! I love mail and all of the little joyful moments all throughout the day.

I’m so grateful to be here right now. I can’t imagine my life without this and without these experiences. Everyday is a blessing.

-Sister Owens


Love Vitoria, Brasil

24 February 2011

I love being on a mission. This is fantastico. Vitória, Brasil is the best ever.
My week started out extra extra supercalifragilisticexpialidocious because I got my Christmas box from home! It didn’t even take four weeks to get here! A Christmas miracle! So I was very very happy about that of course and getting all sorts of goodies and peanut butter. And I got lovely letters too! Mail is the best thing ever. Many mahalos to Carla, Sashie, and Lexxy and Lenny for the the wonderful cartas!
So we haven’t had any batismos yet since I’ve been here. Don’t know why. People are falling through. But we’ve got a couple solid dates marked for some lovely souls so hopefully I’ll have wonderful baptism news soon. It is so nice to see the fruits of your labors.
So some funnies from the week… we’ve met this lady who is kinda coo coo. Definitely a little crazy, but you just can’t help but love her. And she really loves Americans a lot and so she just loved us right from when she first saw us. We were at her house teaching her, and it was super wicked hot, like always, and then her super cool old school red phone rings. And she gets on and starts talking and is just randomly like, “Uma Americana da Alaska está aqui…” So basically like, “I can’t talk right now because an American girl from Alaska is here” and that was about all she said. Anyways, twas quite funny because she’s a bit crazy. But she comes to church on all her own and gets there super early, so tis wonderful.
Another funny, I asked a lady we were contacting if she was going to have a menino or a menina, asking her what she was pregnant with. And apparently she’s not having a boy or a girl, but she informed me just had just eaten a lot at the market. Oopsies! :)
We contacted a girl and her mom who were visiting frmo Rio. The girl was really excited to speak english with us and her mom videoed us all speaking english for like 10 mins. This girl later told the wonderful Sister Morales that she looked like Vanessa Anne Hudgens from High School Musical.
Last night we were talking with this older couple and the man had been baptized but fell away from the church. They were both pretty chatty people and were telling stories for a super long time which a couldn’t really follow. Anyway, the man eventually said that he thought the church needed to change its doctrine. So we just testified that the church definitely does not need to change its doctrine, because the doctrine is Christ’s. And he is at the head of this church. And it is lead through a prophet who speaks with God and directs the Church.
We meet lots of interesting people. I love it. And I’m so excited to meet more of those elect people out here! Ready to have the blessings of the restored gospel!
Boa semana para vocês!

Two Months

23 February 2011

Today marks two months in Brasil! Weirdo. Kind of feels like I’ve been here forever, but it feels like I just got here. We’ve got one week left of this transfer and I think they’ll be some definite changes. I tihnk I’ll stay here, but probably get a new companion. You never know though. But you always know that it is exactly the way it needs to be and exactly the way the Lord wants it. 

We still have no baptisms here. Don’t know what is going on. It’s hard though because it really makes you doubt a lot. It’s like what are we not doing right, are we not working hard enough, what more can we be doing, where are those elect that the Lord is preparing? But I guess this is just a down time, which means we’ve got A LOT of good up ahead somewhere. There’s always lots of good ahead. 

Portuguese, I love it of course. It amazes me a lot of times when I realize how much I’m understanding, especially at church. There’s still an endess amount of words I don’t know, but I can usually get the whole story pretty well. It is so nice not being so lost all the time. But it also amazes me a lot, when I realize how much I don’t understand, how much more there is to learn, and when my mind just draws a blank and I can’t express myself. Ups and downs, ups and downs. :)

I love Brasilians. These people and this culture and this land are fantastic. Trying to still get used to the deathly heat and humidity. It’s a struggle. But at least I’m in an area on the coast right now, with a nice little breeze, so it’s much less hot than other places. Adn it is so nice having sunshine all the time. :)

By the way I got 6 letters yesterday and it was so glorious! Mail is the best ever. Muita obrigada for sending me mail Carla and Cottam fam and Sashie and my fam and Sister Cahoon and Lilly! I love mail and all of the little joyful moments all throughout the day.

I’m so grateful to be here right now. I can’t imagine my life without this and without these experiences. Everyday is a blessing.
I love minha família. I love being a missionary. I love Brasil. I love português. I love rice and beans. I love teaching people about the restored gospel. I love eating fruit off trees. I love seeing fruits of my labor. I love wearing skirts and a nametag every day. I love that I’m getting tanner. I love that I am understnading and speaking incredible amounts of portuguese. I love Jardim da Penha. I love my companion Sister Morales. I love finding families and people to baptize. I love the Sorvetes. I love my funny tanlines. I love MOQUECA (this fantastic capixaba fish stew from Espírito Santo). I love VW bugs. I love pretending I’m in a musical. I love the Mexican feast we had last week with Sister Pickett. I love this day of love. I kind of love everything right now.

One thing I do not love… the giant ant-y wasp-y freaky bug infestation we had in our kitchen this week. Oh my goodness it was so awful. Like horror movie status. Ewww. We fetched our landlord and he came over with a can of raid and we were all swatting bugs like mad. Didn’t get to sleep until 12, but nice going to sleep with most of those freaky weirdo creepo bugs gone, and not with hundreds of them in your house.

But yes, I love most other things.


familia sorvete

7 February 2011

   This past week we’ve been focusing on learning from our trials and challenges, realizing that through our trials, and through our times of discouragement and despondency, we can become so much closer to our Heavenly Father and learn so much more about the Atonement.
   Christ suffered every single mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual suffereing we have ever suffered, and as we go through trials and down times, we cen become more grateful to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for the atonement. It depends greatly on our attitude, and how we accept and grow through our challenges. Just rely on the Lord. Conversar com nosso Pai Celestial.
    And we really do need opposition in all things. Those hard times make the good times so much better! Yippee skippee! 
    So basically, the mission has lots of hard times. Heat, cockroaches and ants :), new languages, lots and lots of hard work… People promising they’ll come to church on Sunday, then you get ready early, get a member with a car, and go out to pick people up for church, then no one is home or they’re sleeping, and you have no investigators at church with you, when you had lots of people committing to go the day before. Discouraging. But then it is so fantástico when you find those golden elect people, those who have been hungering for the gospel, and those who come to church and baptismal services! 
    This week was good in the hood, like always. I went on my first division! And I only ahve 6 weeks here! Ahhh. I was a bit nervous to be going out all day without my companion and with a member instead, but it was such a fantastic day. We taught coolio peeps, talked with lots of people, and had much much fun of course. And yes yes, ofcourse I grew muchly. 
    I’m just learning and loving lots out here. There’s no where else I’d rather be right now, adn this is where I need to be. Despite the fact that I had a cockroach crawl on my foot this morning as I was doing my laundry, everything is great. And the rice and beans are getting more and more delicious everyday. :) And it’s actually time for me to go eat some rice and beans now with our favorite Sorvete family now! 
    Boa sorte e bom dia também! Amo vocês, claro! 
-Sister Owens


end of first transfer

7 February 2011

My first transfer just finished with much success and goodness! And now transfer number two has commmenced. I1m with Sister Morales still (yay!) and we’re in the lovely Jardim da Penha on the lovely isle of Vitória. 
    This transfer shall be an excellent 6 weeks. We have some really great people we’re teachign right now and I love them so much. It is such a blessing being an instrument in the Lord’s hands bringing the gospel and the spirit to these elect people! 
     Missionary work is so fun these days. Portuguese is improving on a daily basis, thank goodness, an dI love meeting these wonderful people and just how good they are. People are really good and Christian here. In fact the other day we were teaching this one super nice lady, Ivane, who we contacted one rainy day in the rain rain, and as missionaries, we get a bit tired at times. And Sister Morales had yawned and the lady asked if she wanted to go take a nap on her bed. They’re just so nice and welcoming. Although of course, we don’t usually take naps at people’s houses. 
     But funny story, the other week we were teaching this cool lady who makes rainbow jello and gives us delicious mango juice, and I was pretty much falling asleep in the lesson. Both of my companions were doing most of the teaching and I was sitting there, perhaps dozing off, fighting so hard to keep my eyes open. Soooo funny. If there’s a part of the lesson where I don’t talk for a while, it becomes a bit on the difficult side to keep my heavy eyelids up. :)
      I’m so happy I’m here. Missionary work is defintely work though. Maybe that’s why I’ve been so tired. Never worked so hard in my life. :) We walk and talk all day long. And we laugh all day long too. Just having soooo much funny and so many funny things are happening.
      Lots of funny things with Portuguese too. I’m learning the small differences in some words that make big changes in the meaning. Such as “com ela” (with her) and “comi ela” (I ate her). Now I’m focusing a bit more on saying “with her” instead of telling people about some other people I ate. I don’t like to eat people. 

     PS Many mahalos to Elena and Alexis and Hayley and Crystal for the lovely mail I got. Mail makes me like the happiest earthling ever. Obrigadão! 


Brasil Photos!!!

23 January 2011

My first transfer in the field is done! Crazy! I was in Pennsylvania for two glorious weeks and I’ve been melting in Brasil the past 4 fantastico weeks. I loooove this place and am excited for next transfer! One of my companions is done with her 18 months and is headed home. Craaaazy. But the other one and I are thank goodness stayign here in this area! Sister Morales and I in Jardim da Penha again! I am soooo happy that we are both staying, because we’ve got some elect peopel to baptize!
We are teaching some really wonderful people now and making such good friendships. I looooove these people and am sooo happy I am not getting transferred! I love these people here and this ward and especially those we’re teaching. It’s so incredible. It’s so wodnerful to find those people that have a desire to listen, learn, and come unto Christ. It is so rewarding. I am so happy to be here.
Oh and there is some massive flooding going on but it is south of me in a different state. But still keep those people in your prayers. I’m pretty much completely good and safe here. Doing fantastically of course! Just learning so so much.
And today I ate the cutest little baby banana. It was the best! The fruit here is sooooo good. I love it! And the beans… yum yum yum. It’s kind fo sad when we go to a member’s house for lunch adn there is no beans. We need that rice and beans every day! :) We need that energy to walk miles and mile in the 90+ degree weather with like 1000% humidity. It’s killer. But it’s so nice when you get home at night after a long hard day of work. It’s so much more rewarding to sleep! :)
I’m just excited for this next transfer that starts tomorrow, sad to see my companion Sister Olsen go though, but there’s always good things ahead. Hope life is grand for your all and that you’re doing lots of good things! :D
Peace out for now. Até mais!

PS I bought some TOUCAN earrings!

Loving Brasil

12 January 2011

I love Brasil more and more every day! And I love my mission more and more everyday too! It’s so incredible being out here and being a full time missionary. Plenty of hard work, but my life is just being so blessed.

Í’m so happy I have my visa and that I’m here! It’s still wicked hot, but I think I’m adapting a bit. The people here are wonderful. We knock on lots of doors, which is actually clapping at their gate, and so many people are just so inviting and let us right in. I love just being in people’s houses with them, getting to know them, bringing the spirit to them. It’s the best. 

And we went to one casa the other day, taught the first lesson to a mom and a daughter, and then they gave us a bunch of delicious mango. It was like the best I’ve ever had. Mangoes here are soooo good. I eat lots of them. I love all this fantastico fruit. But I could definitely use more vegetables these days. I’m getting plenty of rice and beans though, which is the best! And I’m not much of a meat fan, and fortunately I’ve been able to avoid most of the meat at meals pretty well.

And the other day there was a man who was pushing a big giant cart full of pineapple down the street yelling “abacaxí!” to sell it to people and I bought 5 cute little delicious pineapples for about $6. Fun fun in the sun sun.

Oh by the way, pedestrians do not have the right of way here. But all is well, no one has been run over for a while here. :) Just kidding, but seriously, you’ve got to be careful for those cars. 
I love teaching and sharing the gospel with people. Some people realize we’re bring something incredible, and even thoguh we testify, others don’t realize we’re bringing something incredible. But it’s good to know we’re out here doing what the Lord wants us to do and the we are making so much more of a difference than we realize. 

Transfers are next Tuesday. Wnoder if I’ll stay in this area of Jardim da Penha or move somewhere else. I’ll find out on Sunday! :) I love this area and these people here, but there’s always more good things and more good people ahead if I get transferred. 

Love you all a lot! Make sure you’re going to church, reading your scriptures, and saying your prayers! :) Have a happy day!

Love Sister Owens


Feliz Ano Novo gente!

10 January 2011

Feliz Ano Novo gente! :)

Being a missionary is fantastico! But tis quite difficult too. Especially when we’re just walking in the hot hot heat, you keep smelling the sewer, and you’re going from appointment to appointment and no one is home! It definitely takes a lot of mental, physical, and spiritual determination. But it is quite excellent. And I want to be no where else right now than here in Jardim da Penha. This is a perfeito area to start in! I’m a lucky ducky.
      So it was New Years this week! I think I had the most uneventful New Years of my life. :) We just did our usual working all day, but there were some fireworks so yippee skippee! And NEw YEars Eve my companions and I got AÇAÍ bowls on our way home! Yay! Yumm yumm deliciousness! Oh there is so much wonderful divine fruit here. And it’s not very expensive either. I ate a fantastico mango this morning. Oh yum yumm.
      And speaking of food, the rice and beans here, thank goodness we eat it every day at lunch pretty much, beacuse I love it. One of my companions and I are always wanting “arroz e feijão”. And at every house they have these yummy Garoto chocolates that they always give after lunch. Good chocolate appreciating people. 
      The people here are pretty wonderful of course. Everyone is welcoming and friendly. And when we knock doors/bater portas people will lets us in and let us share a little message and offer us water and things. Not all doors/gates let us in, but they’re mostly all nice. And for street contacts we make appointments to go back and taech people but so often they’re never home and we just go from dropped appointment to dropped appointment, which is not fantastic. 
      But we did find some excellent hopefully promising people this week. Interested and enthusiactic, so hopefully they’re genuine and we can baptize them! Batismos! We need two baptisms this month. But Transfers are on the 18th I think, and no idea or not if we’ll still be here. Transfers happen on Tuesdays every six weeks. We find out Sunday night if we’re being transferred to a new area so we have no idea. And then you don’t find out till transfer meeting where you’re going and who your companion is. Craziness. 
       I really like this Jardim da Penha area and our apartment is like a 10 minute walk from the beach. Fantastic! Not that we can go swimming, but I did walk in the sand the other day and my little toes were so happy! :) I am sooooo happy I’m serving on the coast.
        And good news! It rained lots and lots and lots this week! Oh it was so fantastic and the best ever because it was not so so hot and I wasn’t spontaneously combusting this week like I was last week. Thank you for the rain! But I’m still getting plenty of sunshine and working on my sweet missionary tan. 
        Portguese is improving. I still just smile and nod and say “sim” and stuff, but I did much more teaching and contacting this week than I did last week and got through it pretty fine while still inviting the spirit. :) missions are the greatest, but yes, definitely on the difficult side.
         And by the way there are so many old VW bugs here. It’s the best. I want one. And there’s tons of sweet VW vans too. Love it. I’m so happy I’m here, being led by the Spirit all the time, testifying of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Tis simple marvelous. 



30 December 2010

I’m in Brazil! It”s so crazy I’m here! I cant believe I got my visa and that I’ve been in Brazil for almost a week. 

It took over 24 hours from when I left my apartment in Pennsylvania to when I got to the airport here in Vitoria. Traveling is exhausting. And then my two companions picked me up at the airport with one of the ward members and we went to our apartment, dropped off my bags, and went straight to work. Wowza. I did have time to change my clothes when I dropped off my giantesque bags but that was it.
But on my flight I flew down with Elder Lund, my mtc companion’s brother, who has been waiting on his visa and serving in Pennsylvania the last two months. 
   There was also one other elder who had been waiting for three months that was on the flight. I didn’t even have to wait two weeks! Craaaaaazy. And I ran into the girlfriend of one of my mtc elders on the plane too! Exciting looooong flight. 
   Tis crazy being here. It is so wicked hot and humid. I’m dying. And there is no escaping the heat except in a cold shower. I’m just sticky  with sweat all day long. Last week I was in chilly winter and now I’m the hottest I’ve ever been. 
    The bugs aren’1t too bad here. Although the other morning I did wake up with like 10 mosquito bites. And the past 6 days we’ve had 3 cockroaches in our house. Thank goodness one of my companions is a fearless cockroach killer. I woke up in the middle of the night last night to go to the bathroom and there was a cockroach on the bathrrom floor. I sort of tried to step on it and it ran out into the kitchen. I sort of tried to step on it again and it moved away. So then I threw a shoe at it hoping I had squished it, but figuring I hadn’t. And then I just tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t because I thought I kept seeing and feeling the cockroach. Crazy head. :) But one of my companions found it this morning and it’s gone now.
    It’s so different being here. The people are fantastic. Really wonderful and friendly. If only I could understand what they’1re saying! That’s been the hardest thing. Both of my companions are American so they translate things for me, but it’s so hard not really having any idea what’s going on around me. But the missionaries here and the mission president and his wife so my Portuguese is great for just getting here and that I’m pretty far along with it. That’s good, but it’s hard being patient and not being able to speak very wel
    When people are talking I just stare so intently and get all of the words I can understand, but have no idea what the main story is. And then if they ask me a question I realize I had no real idea what they were talking about and then my companions will do a little translating for me. :) When people talk I do a lot of smiling and nodding and saying “sim!” and “obrigada!”. I’m excited to be able to tell people what I want and express myself, but just trying to enjoy this time now where I look like a foooool. :) The people here are wonderful though. And I’ve learned so much this past week. 
    And missions aren’t supposed to be easy. I’m not out here for a vacation. I’m out here to work. These people need the gospel. Everyone does. So all day everyday we do our best to share it.
    With only being here for six days and just trying to get used to things and understand people, its hard to see the fruits of my labors. But I know this is where I’m supposed to be right now and I’m doing exactly what I need to be doing. 
    We taught tons of lessons last week, especially on Christmas eve. Our mission president said if we completed our weekly goals before Christmas, we could sleep in on Christmas day and have more free time, and by free, I mean time to study ! :) Which is fantastic. I just really don’t get enough study time everyday. Weird how that’s happened. 
     So Christmas eve was a complete down pour. So much rain. And we’re just walking around trying to finish up our lessons and contacts. Twas lovely. And we got all our goals done and slept in until 8 on Christmas ! Yippee skippee! And then we stayed home until about 1 and just studied and stuff. It was so excellente. 
     This was the weirdest Christmas ever. But it was still good. But of course I missed home and snow and more Christmas decoration and musica and of course my family! But I got to skype with my fam bam on Christmas and it was like the best 45 minutes ever! It was sooooo good to seee their lovely faces and hear their wonderful voices. And I’m sure my call on Mothers Day will come soon soon. :)
     All day on Christmas we spent at this member family’s house. We ate and listened to Christmas music and played uno and of course watched some sweet church videos. :) 
  The members of the ward here are so hospitable and wonderful. We go to a member’s house every day for lunch and they just prepare a feast for us every day, with rice and beans of course at every meal. But after being super ful lwith luch (since lunch is their big meal here and not dinner), its hard to go back out and work in the hot sun when you just want to tak ea nap. But I’m onlly her efor so long and you have to take advantage of every hour.
    Well familia and amigos, I miss you all and hope life is grand! Life is grand here for me of course, because there’s nothing better than being a missionary and immersing your self in the gospel and studying and praying for than ever before! 

Sister Chelsea Rae Owens
Missão Brasil Vitória
Avenida João Batista Parr, 633 Sala 1501
Praia do Suá
Vitória-ES 29052-123      BRASIL

Brazil, Lower 48

Temporarily in Pittsburgh

16 December 2010

Ola ola ola!!
I am in Pittsburgh right now! It’s like a full on blizzard outside and chillllly willy! My sandals and mosquito net that I packed to take to Brazil are completely useless. But by wearing socks and multiple pairs of tights and many layers I’m mananging to stay warm. :)
    It’s been so totally different out here in the mission field of Pittsburgh, PA, but it is so lovely. I definitely am not a huge fan of the transition periods of leaving old places and people and getting used to new ones, but it is going rather swimmingly here.
    Leaving the mtc and saying goodbye to my wonderful companion and my ten favorite elders in the world was not fun. It was like cry fest 2010. So sad saying goodbye to such wonderful friends who you haev shared everything with all day everyday for the past 9 weeks. But I’m so excited to get to Brazil someday (maybe a couple months) and I’ll get to see one of the elders in my district!
    Flying over here was weird. It was so weird to be out in “Babylon,” to see people in regular clothes, without nametags, and just to be back in the world. I got here to PA Wednesday night and went out to eat with one of the senior missionary couples and two sisters. Then I stayed with those two sisters and the next day we had a Mission Tour.
    For mission tour one of the members of the seventy came and checked things out and spoke with us. It was fantastico of course! My favorite part was that Elder Gavarett who came… spoke PORTUGUESE! YAY! I loooove Portuguese! And I really really miss speaking it, but I do get an hour of language study in each day, where I Portugues it up a storm. I am searching for Brasileiros here in PA but haven’t found any yet. I also got to meet the mission president and his wife and yes, of course they are fantastic too!
    Then… to PITTSBURGH! This past week I’ve been right here in the wonderful city of Pittsburgh with two other sisters. I was just here for this week though. But I loooove this city a lot. There is so much cool architecture and so much art all over the walls and so mannnny dinosaurs. Weird. And awesome.
    It’s fun doing real missionary work, talking, meeting, and teaching real people, and inviting people to come unto Christ. It’s so excellent coming into the field at Christmas time because there is so much mroe of a focus on Christ. That’s what it’s all about amigos.
    We do a lot of street contacting, handing out pass along cards, sharing quick simple lessons, just trying to get them to understand that they have a heavenly father who loves them, who they can and should always pray to, and that they have a savior Jesus Christ, and through his gospel they will find peace and happiness in this life and the next.
    The other two sisters and I have a lovely time. I’m trying to do better to always be speaking with someone. But it’s hard. But I’ll get better because even though I know these people seem like they don’t want to hear what I say, they neeeed the gospel. Everyone does. It only blesses your life!
    Well it has been an exciting week. Tomorrow I’m leaving the wonderful city of Pittsburgh and heading to my area of Lititz, which is near Lancaster which is near the Amish people. We don’t proselyte to the Amish, but I’m just excited for a new area and getting settled and learning and teaching! I’ll be there for at least 6 weeks and with one other sister and it will be excellent! Hopefully it’s not a snow storm there like it is here!
     Merry Christmas and Feliz Natal familia e amigos! Espero que suas vidas sejao muito bom! 
Brazil, Lower 48

Temporary Transfer to Pittsburgh, PA

7 December 2010

Ola ola ola!!! And Feliz Natal!!! I am so happy it’s Christmas time!
Sooooo my time here in Provo at the MTC is drawing to an end. I leave here on Wednesday, but not to Brazil. No visa yet unfortunately. So we all got reassigned and received those new calls yesterday! So exciting! Out of the 12 missionaries in my district, 7 are going to California, 2 to Montana, 1 to Texas, and my companion is going to Colorado. Guess where I’m going…… PENNSYLVANIA PITTSBURGH!!!
    When they read it I was so surpised and a bit sad that I’m on the complete opposite side of the country as all of my district. But I am so so excited for Pennsylvania! To experience it, to love it, to learn and teach. So much good ahead! And I know that’s where I’m needed! The Lord needs me there and I am so excited and can’t believe I’m going to Pennsylvania! I’m just get more excited every day, but anxious and a bit nervous too. But I’m pretty sure I’m prepared hopefully! :D
    And Woo hoo Pennsylvania is right next to New Jersery, where my brother is! Ah I love everything!
    And I have zero idea how long I’ll be in PA for. Who knows when I’ll get a visa! No idea! But again, it’s all in the Lord’s hands.
    While I’m excited for the field, I’m a bit sad to leave the MTC because I’ve had the most wonderful experience here. I’ve heard from apostles glaore and multiple general authorities. It’s fantastic. And I have sesriously had the greatest district in the world. I love my companion and our ten elders so so much! So blessed. I’ll be crying saying goodbye to them, but most fortunately my favorite elder is in my mission in Brazil! :D
I’ve learned so much here. I love all of the study time and being immersed in the scriptures. I’ve learned so much about faith too. As missionaries, we’re are inviting people unto Christ and helping them develop faith in Christ. Faith is a principle of action. There is a big difference between having faith in Christ and being faithful to Christ. We need so much more than just a knowledge of him an of what he has done for us. Because the devils know that. The devils know that Christ is the Son of God and that he has atoned for all of our sins. We need this knowledge and we need to have that knowledge lead to action, by following Christ. Learning of him by studying his words and keeping his commandments as well as living a life of service.
     I’m so excited for Pennsylvania. But will definitely be sad saying goodbye to all the wonderful people and things and spirit ehre at the MTC. But I know there is soooo much more good ahead. Can’t wait to experience these next 14 months!
      Thank you/obrigada to you all for the wonderful letters and packages of fun and love and goodness! I miss you all very much and think and pray for you often! Thank you for being wonderful!
PS I LOVE  PORTUGUESE AND BRAZIL and am so excited to serve a mission there (and in Pennsylvania)!!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Remember the reason for the season amigos!

Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Mission
2589 Washinton Rd Ste 410
Pittsburgh, PA 15241

Brazil, Lower 48

Loving MTC Life

21 November 2010

Bom dia!!! Do you realize what a blessed day today is? After all, it’s TIE DYE FRIDAY!!!! :D

I got a tie dye kit from my aunt Connie yesterday and I am soooo happy about it! Oh she just makes my week! So does tie dye! During laundry time this morning, my district and I tie dyed! Oh happy day. I miss tie dying, especially with my darling niece Natalie. But oh it was so so good and I can wait to unveil our shirts. One elder actually did a tie, another dyed an old button up shirt, and I dyed some white tights too. We’ll see how those turn out. :) But it was so fantastico.

I’m loving the MTC life. Learning so so much and I looooove these people here, especially my companion, the ten elders in my district, and the other Brazil bound sisters. As well as the new three sisters in our room! The four hermanas we had the first six weeks are now in Argentina, and on Wednesday new missionaries came.

Speaking of which, we got to host for the new missionaries and show them around. Twas fantastic! Especially since I got to sit outside in the lovely sunshine with the beautiful leaves and things.

And… one sister got her visa this week! But that’s the only one that came, a bunch more missionaries got their temporary reassignments this week. I guess the US doesn’t give Brazilians visa very easily, so they’re doing the same thing for us. I wonder when I’ll get there. My time here in Utah is done in 2.5 weeks. Crazy!

Portuguese is going well.I love it oh so much! I’ve still got so so much to learn of it though. But it’s incredible to believe how much I can speak after only studying for 6 weeks. Truly blessed we are.

I’m learning so much these days. It’s excellent. We have such good speakers and such good lessons and my study time is soooo wonderful.

For Relief Society we had MAry N. Cook of the Young Womens General Presidency come. She spoke to us sisters on the enabling power of the atonement. How Christ suffered for all of our sins, all of our pains, sufferings, temptaions, afflictions, all feelings of every kind. Every feeling, mental, physical, or emotional, Christ has felt. And he went through that not only to pay for our sins and redeem us, but to comfort us. He knows how we feel, because He has felt the same way, because He loves us.

And because Jesus has suffered for all of our sins, we need to use the atonement and repent. We can be forgiven of every sin and we must be. No unclean thing can dwell in the kingdom of God and we must be made clean. Repent and return to Christ.

I also learned more about Prayer this week. We are children of a loving Heavenly Father. He loves us and wants to bless our lives. But we must pray to Him. We are commanded to pray always and if we do, our Heavenly Father will bless us. But we need to pray in faith, knowing that God will answer our prayers. And we too must become to answer to our own prayers and to others prayers. We can’t just give God a shopping list of blessings we’d like, we have to work for them.

When we obey the commandments of God and do as Christ would, we are blessed immensely. We are also blessed with happiness, alegria. Who wants more joy in their lives? I think everyone does. So keep the commandments, all of them, and come unto Christ. And in order to keep the commandments, we must know what they are. AKA study the scriptures and words of the Lord and His prophets.

I love our prophet. And there’s rumor going around that he might come to the MTC on Tuesday for devotional or maybe for Thanksgiving. If not President Monson, then I’m sure another apostle will come. We didn’t have a 5th apostle at our devotional on Tuesday, it was given by Elder Pearson, a memebr of the first quorum of the seventy. And it was oh so wonderful. I learned lots lotslots.

He talked about being a disciple of Jesus Christ. As a missionary, I wear the name of Jesus Cristo on my name tag every single day. I am recognized as a representative of Jesus Christ and his restored gospel. I need to work more on giving up myself and finding the Lord, forgetting about who I was before the mission and find myself in the service of Jesus Christ. For when we lose ourselves for His sake, we find ourselves. I’m Sister Owens now. It’s so wonderful. I love it. I have never been so surrounded by the Spirit all day every day. I looooove being a sister missionary! :D

Brazil, Lower 48

Visas are coming!!!

15 November 2010

Ola familia e amigos!!
Eu tenho muitos good news isse semana!
     First, I LOVE PORTUGUESE! And I looove learning it! We started teaching in Portguese this week and it’s pretty excellent. I don’t have all the tenses and conjugations down, nor do I have a very large vocabulary, but I can get by just fine. We taught in volunteer “investigator” this week for an hour and at the end he was telling us how impressed he was with our Portuguese, especially for only being here for 5 weeks. We are so blessed.
     More good news… visas are coming! 5 came on Monday afternoon, and then five people were gone by the next morning. Wowza. But before your visa comes you have to do an online application, which only lasts 30 days. Annnnnd, I did the online application! So did 5 elders in my district! Which possibly means I’ll be in Brazil within 30 days. Maybe not though, we have no idea. But things are moving along!
     And more good news, so you know how we’ve had three apostles in a row, Nelson, Scott, Ballard… well, yes yes, make that FOUR apostles in FOUR weeks at devotional! Elder David A. Bednar came on Tuesday! Whoa whoa crazy daisy. It was excellent of course. He spoke on how the answer to everything is ALWAYS in the DOCTRINE. The doctrine is found in the scriptures, in words of the profetas/prophets, and in authorized proclamations by the first presidency. He told us to study and teach the doctrine. It was so good and the spirit was so strong, especially when he walked into the room. Oh I love the MTC.
    We had mission conference this week. Excelllent. I realized that those of us who are blessed with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ MUST share it, and that we really should be the happiest people in the world. Ola, we have the fulness of the gospel! Fantastico!
    Every Sunday we have firesides, guess who spoke at that? Sheri Dew. Yep. Fantastic as well. She said how when we know who we are, it changes everything. When we know and understand that we are children of a loving God, and He desires to bless our lives, it changes everything we do and how we live. And when we understand and know that He loves us so much that He sent His only begotten son to atone for all of our pains and sins, we appreciate so much more. The Savior suffered every pain we have ever suffered, every sorrow, every sickness, every feeling, he understands how we feel in every situation, because he’s been through everything, because he loves us.
    So more good news I share today is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The word “gospel” means good news. And it truly is the best news ever! The knowledge of the gospel brings me peace and hope in every situation. I know the Lord has his hand in everything and wants me to come unto him. I love the gospel and I am so grateful for my oppurtunity to represent Jesus Christ as a missionary and share the restored gospel with the children of God. Coming on a mission is the best thing in the world.
    We watched a talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland about how our missions are so important. They should mean everything to us. They should change our lives, the lives of our families, and the lives of the people we serve. My mission means everything to me.
    I can’t wait to get to Brazil and teach real investigators. And our two teachers are returned Protuguese speaking missionaries and so I learn what it’s actually like from them. One of our teachers was talking about the food and I’m so excited to have acai bowls again when I get to Brazil, and real acai bowls! I’m not excited for the mystery meat, but hopefully I’ll be able to pick around some of it. Our teacher said that one time he had a pig tooth in something he was eating. Some people use the whoooole animal in there. Uh oh. Not good for me. But I’ll figure it out. And their beans and rice are just fantastic and there are sooo many wonderful and delicious fruits. I think I’ll survive, and thrive.
    I got to see my wonderful aunty yesterday which is such a blessing. It is one of the highlights of my week. And she tells me how the family is doing and says inspiring things and brings me delicious treats from the outside world. :) Love it.
    Another sister I met in Jerusalem came this week too! Sister Mayfield! There are sooo many girls that I went to Jerusalem with that are now on  missions. BYU Jerusalem is life changing I tell you. And my good wonderful friend from BYUH, Sister Lautiki, came too! And she told me about more missionaries that are coming. Missions are the best and I’m soooo excited for my amigas who are working on papers and preparing for the mish field. It is the BEST!
    Life is beautiful here. I’m loving the missionary training center bubble. It’s fantastic. And fall is sooooo beautiful! I haven’t experienced fall in a while, going to school in Hawaii, so I am loving it. There are so many beautiful leaves! Be prepared, you might get some in the mail. :)
    Well friends and loved ones, thank you for reading my letters of goodness and I hope everything is joyous for you.
PS I wear my parrot earrings every day.