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The Fourth Day of Christmas

29 December 2009

four calling birds
[the four gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John]

This day was extra fabulous.
-This morning Holly dyed my hair dark, dark brown  again. I love it.
-Then I saw the neighbor boy slip on the ice with his bike down his driveway. Hilarious. And he was fine, so it’s okay to laugh. I’m still laughing actually.

-My dear siblings and I drove up to our Dad’s house, rockin’ out in the truck on the way.
-We hung out at Dad’s for the day, talking with our grandparents a lot. They are wonderful.
I was wicked allergic up there, so Grandad made me a nice concoction to help me.
-Holly, Stacy, Jake, and I fought over which carvings of Dad’s we should get. I love those carvings.
-Another funny… I was bouncing on a big ball and Jake kicked it out from underneath me at the perfect time and plop! I fell on the ground. Very very hilarious.
-Me and my dearest siblings left, and I had to say goodbye to my favorite ol’ Pops for five months. Sad. I’ll miss that wonderful father of mine.

-Then us aunties and uncle watched our two nieces while Holly and Jordin went and saw the Blind Side. I love that movie.
-I sat on the floor and turned my old xtratufs into cut offs. Yay!
-Had another little classic party at HoJo’s when they got home. Mumsy came over too.
-I became the Michelin Man and Stacy had bed sores.
-We played a serious game of charades. It was nothing but incredible.
-Stacy gets pretty excited with those guessing games. It’s kind of overwhelming.
-Jakey Bob and I had a fabulous drive home, singing out Billy Joel’s Piano Man, and revving the engine to the beat.

My family is the best. They’re the only people I’ve played with all Christmas break. Classic. My social life outside the fam bam is rather nonexistent, but I kind of like it that way. :)

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Third Day of Christmas

28 December 2009

three french hens

[faith, hope, and love]

The opening hymn in church today was a Christmas song. Goody goody gumdrops (except we were late so I didn’t get to sing most of it. Oh bugger.) But I’m glad we still sang a Christmas song, because Christmastime is not over. I don’t want the Christmas decorations to go down. I don’t want the Christmas music to stop playing. And I don’t want the Christmas spirit to leave.

I do miss the anticipation of Christmas day, but I don’t really have a bad case of the “after Christmas blues” this year. I suppose because I’m still home in Winter Wonderland Alaska with my family, which is what I wanted most. And it’s still Christmas-y because I’m still listening to Christmas music, I’m still eating Christmas goodies (unfortunately), and I’m now blogging about the 12 days of Christmas! :) And looking forward to Epiphany.

After church today, the fam bam came over here to Mom’s house and we had a little feast. We’ve been feasting a lot these days. I soooo love all of the good family time I’m getting. It’s the best.

Since today is the Third Day of Christmas, Stacy and I watched three movies, in a row, and on Mom’s new TV from Holly and Jordin. I just sat here on my computer going through photos and stuff as we watched three movies. Three three three. We watched Nights in Rodanthe (excellent, I liked it a lot a lot), Whale Rider (good good, glad I finally saw it), and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (classic).

I really like Christmas Break.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Second Day of Christmas

27 December 2009

two turtle doves
[the Old and New Testaments]

Natalie had a sleepover here at Grandma’s house. I put my footie pajamas on for the occasion. I do love wearing footie jam jams, especially with darling yittle Natalie girl.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The First Day of Christmas

26 December 2009
a partridge in a pear tree
[Jesus Christ, the Son of God]
Merry Christmas,
or Joyeux Noel,
or Mele Kalikimaka,
or Happy Birthday, Jesus.
The Twelve Days of Christmas, or Christmastide, begin on Christmas Day, December 25th, and ends on January 5th, the day before Epiphany. Today is the first day, the day we celebrate Christ’s birth. It is a glorious day in every way.
Alaska, Uncategorized

Green Machine

25 December 2009

     Mumsy and I went to the phone place today so I could add texting to my phone plan, only $6 a month for unlimited global texts. I never ever text, but I figured it was time. I’ve been semi-against texting for forever, but I’ve finally caved to the pressures of society and I’m going to use this new method of communicating. Hmm… I have mixed feelings on the issue.
     Texting is pretty excellent and so convenient and easy, but it really depersonalizes communication. But it also helps to keep in touch with people you wouldn’t normally really keep in touch with. It’s good, I just hate when people are obnoxious with texting and don’t pay attention to the real things around them and are just stuck on their phone, ignoring people.
     So as long as I don’t get like that, I think I’ll be okay. And as long as I don’t let texting replace personal communication or talking on the phone, I’ll be golden. And I think I’ll really like this new texting stuff. This is a big move for me, but a good one.
     I suppose it was quite irrational for me to be anti texting, so I am no longer anti.

And P.S. I got a free new phone too since they were having some holiday special and I renewed my contract. Yay! I was so in need of a new tellie, especially for this next semester… oui oui.
It’s an LG Script, lime green and beautiful, with a full keyboard too, for my new texting-ness.
Now I can text Merry Christmas to people! :)

Alaska, Uncategorized

Winter Solstice

22 December 2009
is the greatest.
Because I got to spend it with all of these wonderful people.
Oh I love you, Family.
On this beautiful winter solstice here in Homer, AK, the sun rose at 10:04 and set at 4:03.
I love that light is now coming back into the world.
Solstice, I thank you for that.
Alaska, Uncategorized

Hoooooome in Homer

21 December 2009
Natalie learned how to make funny faces for the camera today.
She liked it. I did too.
And guess what else I like…
-my nieces wearing Christmas dresses
-my grandparents 61 years together
-seeing my breath when I breathe
-catching snow flakes in my mouth
-wearing hats with poof balls on top
-making snow angels
-eating Dad’s bread
-Christmas music with Christmas lights
-being in my home ward
-sleeping in Mom’s bed
-wearing my striped pajama set
-taking family pictures
I quite like being home in Homer, AK, especially with these peeps.
They are my favorite you know.

Family Photo Shoot

11 August 2009
We finally had our annual Owens family photo shoot, where we grab our cameras, go in the back yard, and take pictures of each other. It’s the greatest. Man oh man I love these peeps so much.


Free as a Bird

4 July 2009
Today is a day of independence. I can feel it.

I feel free as a bird!
To celebrate this joyous day, I got my two beautiful little nieces, put on their matching Fourth of July dresses, and went to the field behind their house, with a camera in hand of course. Then we proceeded with our freedom photo shoot, except it wasn’t really much of a freedom photo shoot. It was just me taking a few pictures of them and trying to keep Katy from crying as Natalie held her. Nonetheless, we got a few delightful pictures and had an even more delightful Freedom Day. A big big thanks to our Founding Fathers. Let freedom ring ring ring.


24 May 2009

I saw Shelby today! He was in at church because a lot a lot of people from his town came down to my town for Memorial Weekend. It was sooooo sooo good to see Shelby! I miss that cool kid. I miss all the cool kids.

I still miss Jerusalem so much and think about it everyday. I wish I was still there, but it’s good to be home, it’s just not Jerusalem though.
But home is awesome, I love it. It’s so fun being with the fam everyday and being in Homer, AK, because Homer is absolutely beautiful, and the summers are the best.
I start cleaning boats tomorrow. Good. I’m out of monies.
I have massive blogging to do. I’m not even done with the last few weeks of Jerusalem yet. Then I spent a week in Utah, then I came home to AK for a week and a half, then I left for two weeks and went to Arizona to see my bestest friend Carla and we drove all over California, and now I’m finally home, for the whoooooole long summer.
Woo yeah woo yeah. Yeah woo. Woo woo yeah.

Blog Parties

28 December 2008

Hey peeps. So I’m headed to the Holy Land in about ten days and that is pretty soon. So I thought I’d join the blogging world to tell everyone of the grand adventures.
So far my life has been really wonderful, and I think I only have better things to look forward too. I’m waaaaay excited to go to Byu Jerusalem even though there’s a lot of not so good things happening over there right now.
Christmas Break has been utterly splendid. Tis the best time of the year. I’ve just been hanging out with my wonderful fam everyday. I love it. They are my favorites.
Well peeps, Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!