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under construction

6 July 2010

from this

to this

I’m so so allergic today and am not feeling too adventurous. So I’m just chillin’ here in my race car bed exploring the options for blog remodeling.
Sister and I went on a nice little beach/Spit run this morning and created some lovely beach art with driftwood.
I’m eating edamame right now. Yum.
I’ll be spending many hours in the harbor tonight, again, as I have seven boats to clean.
It’s another low key summer day. I need to start more adventures and projects.

Alaska, Uncategorized

Jerusalem reunions galore!!!

3 July 2010
When I was in Utah last week, I got to see so many peeps from my dearest Jerusalem family. It had been over a year since I’d seen any of them (except BYUH kids Moon, Kara, and Chelsie) and it was the best of the best!!! Ahhhh I love them all muchos and had the best, happiest, most majestic times with them.
My first Jeru reunion was in Idaho. I went to Rexburg one night and got to sleepover with Kara and Hayley AND I finally got to meet Justin Marshall, who I LOVE! This day was the happiest day! There was just so much goodness I couldn’t stop smiling!

On Monday I went to Stephen Wilkinson’s stake fhe and he took Heather Wilson and I all around BYU after getting us shaved ice. Twas an absolutely lovely Monday evening. BYU is super cool.
Then it came time for laser tag action. Jess and Allison couldn’t stay, but they came over to say hello anyway. So so glad I got to see them! I just got to see so many Jeru peeps! What a magical delight that was. 

Mr. Ken organized a sweet laser tag party! After it, my first laser tag experience, we got shaved ice. Why is there so much of that stuff in Utah? Weird. And by the way, I pretty much got 5th place in laser tag, out of 19 people I think. Is that super good or what? I thought I was like the worst, but apparently I’m pretty awesome. 

Then we went and played at the park!! Mahalos to the Hathaway’s aerobe for keeping us so occupied. And then we went and watched School of Rock at Rampton’s house. This was pretty much the best Wednesday night in the history of Wednesday nights.

Thursday I went to Temple Square and most fortunately ran into Sister Tamarra Kemsley! I learned so much from this wonderful missionary for the short time I got to talk with her. 

And then it was Suzie Skinner’s birthday party!! I love birthdays and I love the Skinners, so naturally it was a perfecto evening of fun. And I got to jump on the trampoline, play signs, and chill at the Skinner’s party palace. Who wouldn’t love that.

The Bozungs, Jordan, Josh, SW and I went to Manti for the Mormon Miracle Pageant. That was so excellent. I loved it muchos. Jordan and Josh disappeared on us, but Stephen and I had such a glorious time.

And the next day it was Elyse’s farewell! She’s headed to the D.R. soon. Ahhh I am so so happy about all these peeps I saw there and that I got to hear Elyse’s wonderful talk! 

My Jerusalem family is the best.
I love all of those people that I went to the BYU Jerusalem Center with so much.
I just wish I could see them more.
But I’m so so so happy that I got to party and play with so many of them all week long!
Ahhh it was the best, because they are the best!!
I miss everyone!

Alaska, Uncategorized

I love to see the temple. I’m going there someday.

3 July 2010

One thing I really really love about Utah is the many beautiful temples all over the place.

My two lovely Hawaii roomies (Hayley and Ally) and I went and took pictures at the Jordan River Temple after having a lovely evening jamming to Everybody by Ingrid Michaelson.

Then Hayley girl and I went to the Timpanogos Temple one morn for baptisms. 

I got to go to Temple Square with Mama, Lindsay, and Heidi. So wish I could’ve spent all day there. And I got to see Sister Tamarra Kemsley there too!

And the Bozungs, Josh, Jordan, Stephen Wilkinson, and I went down to Manti to watch the Mormon Miracle Pageant. I loved all that so much! 

I got my mission call too! Which means temple soon for me!
Alaska, Uncategorized

Blinded by the Light

2 July 2010

   After a long night of cleaning boats and then playing on the beach with Cody, I drove over to Holly and Jordin’s to take Cody home. Then when I left at 12:30, I just made a baby stop at the stop sign and most unfortunately there was a cop in the midst and I got pulled over for not stopping. Poo.
   The bright lights of the police cars were just blinding me in my rearview mirror.

   Officer asked me for license, insurance, and registration.
I gave him my license.
I had no insurance info with me, since insurance just kicked in at midnight.
And as for registration… it had expired 2.5 years ago. Bugger.

   Even a bigger bugger, and the biggest bugger of all, is that Mom and I put an extra unexpired registration sticker from a different car on my license plates last summer. Realized it wasn’t registered and didn’t want to pay $100 to register it for the month I had left to drive it, so for some reason we thought it’d be okay with a different sticker on it.
   Can I just tell you now, don’t put fake stickers on your plates. :) It’s pretty dumb and I don’t know what we were thinking, but I kind of forgot about it until today, but now it’s all I’m thinking about.
   So Officer was asking me about it and I played dumb for a minute, and realized that was bad bad bad. So I told him that yes, we put the sticker from the other car on there because I didn’t want to register it for that last month I’d be driving it. And before that, I don’t think I really realized it was unregistered because I don’t pay attention to things like that and nobody else cares much about that car. And I only drive it for like three months out of the year.

   I have to appear in court on the 20th of July. If I don’t go, there will be a warrant for my arrest basically. On the ticket thing he gave me it says misdemeanor for faulty use of registration/plates or something. Apparently I’m a criminal now. :) That’s kind of a problem I think. Another problem… there’ll be a fine. Another problem… I have to register the car now before I can drive it again, but they took my old registration info and both of my license plates for evidence or something. Weird.
   The life of a criminal is not the best, especially when you’re trying to prepare for a mission. :D

   Now for some good news. I didn’t get a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. And… I just saved a bundle on car insurance by switching to geico.

Alaska, Uncategorized

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

2 July 2010

I am reunited with my Subaru!!
It has been resurrected and I am so happy!!!
I’ve been without her for so long and now I love her even more!
I can’t wait for all the happiness my sweet ride will bring me.
It might look like an ordinary rusty Alaska car on the outside, but step inside and it is so much much more.
My car is just the greatest place in the world and I could sit in there all day. Sometimes I do. :)

I rediscovered this magical quote in there too, along with many other fun finds.

“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”   –Rumi

It’s grand being back in Homer with my family and with my car that I love so much, but I really miss my Jeru peeps that I got to play with all last week. I just have so much love and appreciation for those blessed souls I spent four glorious months in Jerusalem with. Love love love.

Alaska, Uncategorized

I miss Lola.

2 July 2010

I miss Lola.
I miss Lola.
I miss Lola.

Could a girl ask for a better bike?
The answer is no.
I miss her spoke beads.
I miss her basket.
I miss miss miss ringing her bell.
I especially miss those multi colored candy stripes.
Oh there is no more beautiful bike on campus.
I miss all the time we spent together.
I miss all the places she took me.
I miss all the people she introduced me to.
I miss so many things.
Lola, I miss you!

I missed my little cruiser bike Lola even more when I rode Holly’s mountain bike this morning, and had to learn the hard way that you do not brake by back pedaling.

Alaska, Uncategorized

Homer Saturday

13 June 2010

I love Holly and Jordin’s house. It is our family hot spot. Tis equipped with a mighty successful greenhouse, many chickens, a meadow, fresh bread, darling girls, and a lovely HoJo. I am always there on Saturdays, and on the other six days of the week too.

Saturday means Homer’s fabulous farmers market! But not much is growing yet, so I didn’t buy any veggies, just homemade chapstick. Yum.

Saturdays usually include a trip to the beach. But of course most days include a trip to the beach! Beach=happy.

Today I went to a happening birthday party at the park! Have I told you how much I love birthdays?

I miss mine and Stacy’s Hawaii house and our fun times of fun, but we had a fun day of Homer sun and fun today. 
And does it get any better than spending your day with a darling girl such as this one?

Alaska, Uncategorized


12 June 2010

Cleaned boats in the freezing harbor last night.
I miss the warmth of Hawaii.
But at least I’m making monies.

[harbor fun last summer and chillin with some of Brother’s fishies]

Stopped at the store on my way home to buy veggies, since I haven’t been eating enough of them, and talked to some dude sitting out front for 15 minutes.

He’s 50, from northern California, and just hitchhiked up here. He wants to get a job on a boat, preferably with Johnathan Hillstrand. He was smoking a cigarette and sitting on his bag, which full of a down sleeping bag, carhartts, and such. He was asking me about the harbor and possible work down there and then he was telling me about his adventures here. Twas very interesting and good talking with him.
His name is Eugene.

Alaska, Uncategorized

Thankful Thursday

11 June 2010

I am thankful that my dandelion wishes are coming true.
I am thankful for dandelions, little bits of sunshine scattered all over the green ground.

I am thankful I jumped in the ocean today.
I am thankful to be home living with my mama.
I am thankful to be making sweet monies with boat cleaning.
I am thankful for my sweet subi.
I am thankful I discovered the Forrest Gump soundtrack.
I am thankful I saw a cute baby and mama moose tonight.
I am thankful the sun doesn’t set till like 11ish.
I am thankful I’ll be in Utah on Monday.
I am thankful for fresh vegetables.
I am thankful I caught up on blogging.

I am thankful for the glorious times I am sharing with my darling nieces, who I love so so much.

Alaska, Uncategorized


7 June 2010

   Dad picked up Sister and I in Anchorage airport after we finally made it a couple hours late, problems in the “fog bank”.

   Twas a lovely drive down to Homer with moose, a jump in the snow, peanuts, the Forrest Gump soundtrack, a couple Alaskan outhouses, and of course Matilda.

   Got to Homer and went to the Keintz home, where I playing with my darling nieces, Holly, Jordin, and Yisa. Ate some yummy food, as is customary at Holly’s house, saw their lovely garden and chickens, and walked around with Cody boy.

   We visited Mama at the ice cream shop. I had a bit. Weird. It’s been forever, and I think I still don’t like ice cream. Walked around the boardwalk holding Natalie’s hand and picking dandelions. Lovely.

   Got asked to teach a Sunday school class. Excellent.
   As soon as I walked into church I met with the 2nd counselor in the bishopric and I already have a calling as a primary worker. Thank goodness. I need a calling; I’m feeling deprived after being released.
   Guess who else was released from his calling today? Bishop Gold. Sad he’s done. But he did so so so good. Bish was the best. Oh I miss 20th ward and so many other things about this past year in fabulous Laie.
   But it is lovely being home with my dearest family. Can’t wait for Jakey Bob to get here soon!

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Twelfth Day of Christmas

5 January 2010

twelve drummers drumming
[the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles’ Creed]

The twelve days of Christmas are over.
Which means tomorrow is… EPIPHANY!
Or Three Kings Day, celebrating the Wise Men coming and giving gifts to baby Jesus.

To honor that celebration, I’m giving gifts to my family. Basically I’m just giving them love letters, telling everyone how cool they are. I’ll be writing those today… hopefully.

And I’ll be packing today as well.
Because I leave tomorrow.
And sad too.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Eleventh Day of Christmas

5 January 2010

eleven pipers piping
[the eleven faithful apostles: Simon Peter. Andrew. James. John. Philip. Bartholomew. Matthew. Thomas. James bar Alpheus. Simon the Zealot. Judas bar James.]

I am sick.
Oh bugger.

I took a bath to help me feel better.
I haven’t taken one in years.
But it was nice and hot and full of bubbles. I liked it.
And it was especially good because I was listening to sweet jams and reading Archie comics.
I did have to shower after though, since I’d been stewing in my own filth for an hour.

I don’t want to be sick.
Hopefully the healing powers of Hawaii will make me better.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Tenth Day of Christmas

4 January 2010

ten lords a-leaping
[the ten commandments]

Shabbat Shalom!
I love Shabbat, especially in Jerusalem.
It’s good here too though because I especially love the Homer Ward. This ward is the greatest and I looooove coming home to it! Sad to leave it soon, but excited to go back to BYUH 20th ward, a singles ward, with no screaming children. :)

Hung out at Holly’s all day today.
Played with her sick children. I love those girlies so much.
Made some crepes. Glad I don’t like those things.
Watched the Office. Haven’t watched it before. Interesting.
Put Natalie to bed. She said her prayers and said, “Bless people not to die. Bless the birds not to die. Bless Stacy to not fall apart.” and continued on to bless her mom, dad, sister, and dog.

I’m not ready to leave this wonderful family of mine yet. I don’t think I’m ever ready really.
I am excited to go back to Hawaii and school and everything though. It’s just so good.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Ninth Day of Christmas

3 January 2010

nine ladies dancing
[the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love. joy. peace. patience. kindness.generosity. faithfulness. gentleness. self control.]

Jake left today.
I’m really going to miss that good brother of mine.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Eighth Day of Christmas

2 January 2010

eight maids a-milking

[the eight beatitudes – blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness]
[zero enhancing done on this picture. this is just the natural beauty of kackemak bay.]
The day began beautifully with a cool, crisp, sunrise beach walk with my favorite Cody boy.
Twas the most perfect way to begin 2010.
I had great expectations for this new beginning of a day, but it wasn’t really that great.
We all just sat around and didn’t do much.
Boring and unfulfilled.
I really don’t like those days.
But I guess they happen to everyone once in a while.
Beautiful new day coming tomorrow though.
Alaska, Uncategorized

The Seventh Day of Christmas

1 January 2010

seven swans a-swimming
[the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy]

Last day of 2009.
Twas good. Very good.

Went on a delightful beach walk with Cody boy.
I love the beach. So much.

Partied at the Keintz Party Palace with my most favorite family and some good friends. I love those parties over there.

Watched some magical fireworks.
Wore some sweet glasses that said “2010!”
Twas a good night.

I bid thee farewell 2009.
And a warm welcome to 2010.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Sixth Day of Christmas

31 December 2009

six geese a-laying
[six days of Creation]

Since today symbolizes the gift of the Creation, I made a marvelous little creation myself.

     What you see here used to be regular ol’ xtratufs, and now… they are Homer’s grandest fashion statement! And please notice how I beautifully sewed on the old border around the top of these with marvelous colorful thread. It took me the entire Harry Potter 6 movie, 2.5 hours. My fingies are sore.

     P.S. I went sledding at Ohlson Mountain today with Holly. It was icy, steep, speedy, awesome. We crashed gooood. I liked it. But since Sister is an old woman now, she didn’t really like that. How booooring.
     However on a less boring note, we did get this exciting picture today. I especially like Holly’s face.

P.P.S. We watched Food Inc today. Watch it. Makes me even more glad I don’t eat meat, or animal products, with the exception of these cookies I’ve been eating with butter and eggs. :) But Food Inc… good film it is.
P.P.P.S. There’s only one day left to complete my resolutions for 2009. Looks like I will be failing some of them. And I need to decide on some 2010 resolutions for a better world and a better Chelsea.
Alaska, Uncategorized

The Fifth Day of Christmas

30 December 2009

five golden rings
[the Torah – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy]

I blogged.
I ate cookies.
I didn’t shower until 3.
I wore sweats all day.
I cleaned my room.
I dressed up Natalie.
I felt really sick for a few hours.
Too many cookies? :)
I threw up.
I started feeling much better.
I kind of like when that happens.