With the help of my handy dandy husband (not notebook), my blog is currently under a grand renovation. How exciting!
Shabbat Shalom.
I’m about to go clean boats. How it will be glorious when my evenings are not filled with boat cleaning! It has slowed down a lot the past week and peeps haven’t been fishing as much. I probably have two weeks left, or until they shut the water off in the harbor.
I’ve had a lot of difficult nights boat cleaning this summer, mostly just because I was so resistant to being there and made it hard for my smelf. Chris has helped a lot. Cleaning boats with him is soooo great. We’re so speedy at it and make lots of monies.
All of the boat and cabin/lodge cleaning monies from the summer will go to BRAZIL! We’ll journey south the spring for a while and we’re so excited. I think it’ll be one of the happiest, most joy filled times of my life.
Speaking of the beloved country of Brasil, it’s their independence day today! Naturally, I had to wear my Brazilian flag earrings. Not sure why I don’t wear them more. But I shall.
Chris comes home tomorrow! He left on Tuesday and I’ve missed the boy. But there definitely is some truth to the phrase, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” With him gone, I realize how lovely it is with him around. This week has been better for me than his last work trip “outside” (which for us Alaskans means “the lower 48” or just the states outside of Alaska), and I got some good hanging out done. :)
I watched season one of Reba, I organized our cupboards and food storage, and I put an awesome giant vinyl sticker of the world on our wall, which eventually fell off due to the crappy paint that we haven’t painted over. Miss Edelweiss and I have had some good bonding time and beautiful walks in the forest, so that has been good. I haven’t really eaten much while Chris is gone, just a lot of trail mix. And I did get around to making some smoothies. I’ve just been too lazy to make food for one person.
Hmmm what else can I ramble about to procrastinate going to the harbor… I guess I’ll just share some pictures. :) I love the Manti temple. We’re planning on getting sealed there this December. Magical. Cheers.
PS my blog needs a makeover.
What a good companion he has always been.
I received Simba as a gift from my neighbor, Kate, when I was about 7. We lived in Anchor Point at the time and Kate lived (and still lives) in a red house across the street. For quite a while, she had a big turquoise flag with a peace sign on it, hanging on the front of her home.
When we first met Kate, my older sisters, Holly and Stacy, went to her house and drank tea. I remember them not being too fond of the tea, and I remember being excited to meet her and spend time with her. When I went to Kate’s, I remember always drinking lots of hot chocolate. I’d hang out over there with her a lot. It was nice. And I remember I’d always shake my belly and hear the liquidy hot chocolate rolling around inside of me.
Kate has travelled quite a bit I think, and I remember being fascinated with all the treasures and trinkets in her three story home. I always remember a rainstick, and especially liking the library upstairs. This home across the road from mine, belonged to multiple friends and families through out the years. Most notable were the Ballentines of course. I remember playing on their pulley zip line thing, playing cops and robbers, and perhaps hunting easter eggs, though the easter memory could be false. There were two other families, the Woods and Schluckabeers, who had girls my age to play with! Emily and Alicia I think. That’s what I remember. The house still belongs to Kate now. I think I need to go have some hot chocolate or tea with her in her memory filled home.
We actually ran into each other at the post office the other day. I told her how I was still so attached to Simba. I explained how he’s traveled a lot with me. He accompanied me to BYU-Hawaii, Jerusalem and other places in the middle east, my mission in Brazil, staying with my grandparents in California, visits to Utah, and he’s even been on plenty of kayaking and backpacking trips here in Alaska. Where I go, Simba goes. It’s sort of like the Ruth and Naomi thing. ;)
My dear friend Kate said she has a little stuffed snow leopard that she’s been quite attached to over the years too. She encouraged me to ponder and think more about why I’ve been so drawn to my little lion cub, Simba. Interesting thoughts. But yes, Simba, Kate, her snow leopard and I need to have some hot chocolate and tea soon, just like she and I always used to.
After all these years, I always remember Kate’s phone number, and even part of her license plate number. When I first received Simba from her, I remember taking him on a bike ride with me down the dirt road. Somehow he fell off (silly lion) and got dirty. I was sad about that because he was nice and new and mine and I wanted to take care of him. While I was on my mission, my beloved twin friends’ mother sent me a little felt missionary tie for Simba. He still wears it proudly. Today, Simba’s fur is quite matted, and the black on his eyes is very worn. Every so often I recolor his eyes with a sharpie to make him young again, and to keep myself young too.
I took little Bel for her first ride in my Subaru Penelope the other day! She meowed a lot for the first ten minutes. Then she was fine and cruised around the car checking things out. Then she camped out on my shoulders and neck as we drove out to the spit to meet my dad and help his Belgian hitchhiker friends.
It’s just after midnight. I’m making cookies. Actually I decided to call them cookied chocolate chips, because there’s more chocolate than there is cookie. YUM! Just like it should be. :)
Humans of New York is inspiring. I love their posts @humansofny, that come up on my instagram feed. So humanizing and real, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, but real. I’m grateful for humans and all they do and all they are. Especially grateful to know and be with so many stellar humans. I’m also grateful to be with stellar animals! Like our new kitten! More on that later. :)
They’re building two duplexes right next to our house right now, and it cuts into our path to our magical forest and trail. We haven’t been too pleased with the construction and development, but we know that now there can be more great humans around! Still have mixed feelings about wanting to head for the hills and buy a few acres of trees and plants to surround a home for us, but it’ll be nice to meet the new peeps that move in here at Aprill Place. And we still have a gravel road here at our home, and there’s still lots of green around, so it’s quite nice.
Btw, this picture doesn’t have much to do with this post, other than it has my most beloved human in it next to me. This was taken camping across the bay. Summer has been grand. I have to go to work right now right meow though. I’ve been working a lot, and I’m ready to work less and bundle up in sweaters and beanies. It makes me excited for winter.
For winter, my plans currently consist of volunteering in my nieces’ kindergarten and second grade classes, sending out our wedding thank you cards, learning to play the harmonica, make plans for our Brasil trip, get sealed in December in Manti, maybe get an internship done and get my degree, and play Super Mario on super nintendo. I’m hope you can understand my excitement.
I’m grateful for Robin Williams and the goodness and great memories has has brought to my life through his acting and the characters he’s played. Genie from Aladdin is probably numero uno for me, and of course Mrs. Doubtfire! And being in Jumanji, Hook, Flubber, Jack, Patch Adams… pretty talented fellow who will be remembered and missed.
What a precious little cabbage patch boy he is! I love this little nephew and it has been delightful having him (and his parents) around.
Chris is at Osh Kosh, in Wisconsin. Boy do I miss him. He left last night and I can’t wait for him to get home in a week and a half. I love my boy.
We’ve had some great guests this past week. Chris’s brother, friend, and cousin have been here visiting and the four of them have been manning it up all week.
I found these the other day.
We got ourselves about 80-90 lbs of salmon filets yesterday! It’s so great to have delicious, healthy fresh fish all year round.