
First movie 

2 December 2016

After a long day home with my sweetest Apollo boy, Chris knew I needed to leave the house for a bit. My mom and sister and nieces were going to the movie Trolls, so we joined them! Apollo was not feeling superb just before we left and crying more than usual, but once we got a good burp out he was nice and content again. He’s a great baby. 

And Trolls was a great movie! Really funny and happy and colorful and lots of good music. Apollo woke up once so I fed him a little snack and he fell back asleep for the rest of the movie. 

Then we went to Barb’s for his first time too since was still asleep and so good. It’s our great video rental place. But we didn’t see anything we wanted so we came home, and we watched the Happiest Baby on the Block.

The Happiest Baby On the Block teaches about the 4th trimester, the calming reflex, and the 5 s’s. Swaddle, side/stomach position, shh noises, swinging motion, and sucking. Good things to learn!

And here’s our calm, sleepy boy with a full belly. I love being his mama and it’s hard to believe that he was coming out of my belly two weeks ago. 

1 Comment

  • Reply alyssa stevenson 9 December 2016 at 14:49

    Chelsea! Im so impressed with you!
    That wall map.
    I love all these great pics
    and mostly that cute boy..
    i just want to fly and meet him now before he gets any bigger!
    YAY Trolls.

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