
30 Weeks

29 August 2016

I can hardly believe I’m 30 weeks pregnant, but week by week, it has happened! Just over 2 months to go till we get to meet our little babe.

I’m able to see my belly button like never before. My belly is still stretch mark free which makes me very very glad. I’m working to get my iron levels back up, but everything is pretty good other than that. I love being pregnant and I love this baby bump very very much.

DSC02085Bebe was moving lots this morning when I woke up, and I love feeling that. I got to sleep in this morning, and that was nice too. :) I have a midwife appointment shortly, and I don’t really feel like going to it, because I don’t really feel like I need to. But I guess I need stronger relationships with my midwives to prepare better for the birth day!

We’ve been learning how our healthcare works, and so now I need to get our maternity bills paid. Financial stuff is kind of stressful to me sometimes, but it’s part of life.

Yesterday at in our young women class, our lesson was: How can I strengthen my family? We went over this talk by President Uchtdorf and it was so good. Nothing more important than marriage and family and home and homies. :)


  • Reply alyssa stevenson 4 September 2016 at 08:35

    woooohooo no stretch marks yet and glowing like always.
    you are so awesome. Its so cool to see you all pre-mothery.
    im glad you are loving the prego stage. do you have any weird cravings?
    my mom would eat heads of iceberg lettuce with my little sister… it was kinda funny i remember her chomping on them walking around the house.

  • Reply Alyssa Stevenson 31 October 2016 at 18:53

    IM 13 weeks.
    maybe going to announce on social media one of these days…
    we will see.
    okay! well happy halloween you 30 week chelsea.

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