I’ve been in California with my Stacy girl the past three days! She’s heavy with child, so I came down to be with child with her! And to help her out with her precious 2.5 year old, Brady boy. And to have a great time together.
I’ve been here to Ojai many many times, some stays much longer than others, and I always really enjoy it here. This place and community have lots of inspiration to offer. And as per usual, it’s so nice hanging out with my sister. How wonderful to have siblings for my best friends.
Her belly has lots bigger baby movements than mine. It’s crazy! Makes me excited for what’s ahead. Buuuuut we talked a lot about birth today and padcicles and cracked nipples and contractions and the intensity of all that, and it makes me feel a little scared and nervous. But she said our bodies know what to do, however there’s still much to prepare for! Like getting my iron levels from an 8.8 up to a 12 or so. I don’t really know what those iron levels mean, but my iron is too low, so I’m workin on replenishing that.
It’s been super toasty warm here, like an unenjoyable, energy sucking heat. When we went out at 5 pm today, Brady’s kiddie pool provided some nice relief from the heat, and hopefully I got a little tanner. Brady and I went on a Great walk this morning too before it got too too hot. I like walking. Thank you legs and body.
Grandma and Grandad live in Ojai as well and it’s really nice to be able to visit with them. Good ol’ Ojai!
AND I get some fresh squeezed OJ here! It’s the best. And I really like being at Stacy and Scott’s house and the way they eat and the way they live. Grateful I can be here with my sista right meow.