
I miss Chris and 4th of July 

4 July 2016

What a great day. So many fun memories were made today. But Chris just left for Anchorage/Talkeetna for a few days, then I’ll be gone kayaking for a few days, so I won’t see him till Saturday night or so, and that makes me really sad. I just like him and I love him and I don’t want to sleep alone or be alone or take care of all these animals by myself. :( He told me to have fun while he was gone, but I’ve just been moping around the last hour and haven’t done anything but take care of my sims hahaha, and scroll through the same Facebook feed a few times. I need to go take the pooch for a walk, which will make us both happier, but I don’t want to get more allergic outside. Anyway….

Today was such a good day. We had the best boat ride ever across the bay to Seldovia this morning, to participate in the 4th of July festivities. We listened to some great classic music on the way like Peter, Paul, and Mary and Neil Diamond. And we cruised across the sea super speedy and even saw a whale!!

My house is so messy right now and it’s really bothering me. I don’t like having all this extra stuff around that we need to get rid of. Stuff stuff. I’m not doing much to fix it right now though, because I’m sad Chris is gone and don’t want to do anything. I’m maybe slightly more emotional being pregnant, but I’m still pretty level. 

I did run into the airplane wing the other day with my head, and that made me really sad even though I was laughing too. It was so funny when it happened. It knocked me to the ground and Chris and I started cracking up. Then I started crying and that was funny too. That was a day Chris left for a couple days, so maybe I was just sad too. 

Back to today… Lots of fun and festivity! And I saw one of my favorite high school teachers who I haven’t seen for years! It was so great catching up. It’d be wonderful and rewarding and difficult to be a teacher.

Seldovia is a pretty cool place, especially on the fourth. What a unique little town. I wonder what it’s like living there. 

We got a big cinnamon roll that I enjoyed some of, and ate too much of. :) And we watched Jordin and some others do some snagging. 

I came to Seldovia two years ago for Independence Day, but Chris didn’t. Our first time was a few years ago, which I can’t find the picture of. But we have some great fotos from that day, and this day as well! 

On our boat ride home we saw a load of whales! Most likely humpbacks in pretty sure. It was so awesome. We all loved it. What huge creatures… 

Chris and I started watching the Patriot when we got home. Good movie, but wow, it’s so graphic and violet! I turn my head away for plenty of it, but good and well done. And then Chris spilled his salsa all over the carpet haha. Good thing I haven’t cleaned the carpets yet! 

We all watched our Homer parade which was a hit, as always. Then we are at my sister and her husband’s house. Good food and good family! Then Chris helped me clean a couple boats. What a peach he is. 

1 Comment

  • Reply alyssa stevenson 4 September 2016 at 08:25

    such good forth of july gear!!!
    love the outfits and alaska summer views.
    forth of july is my favorite holiday, whats yours? :) :)

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