
Regular sunny Sunday 

2 August 2015

Yesterday was ward youth baptisms at the temple so we went up and back to Anchorage yesterday. We took a sweet older lady with us too and it was swell. The temple is always pure loveliness.

When we got back in the evening, I had seven boats to clean, so Christopher came and helped and we whipped them out and got some nice cash. :) It was beautiful in the harbor, even though I just wanted to be home.  

Today at church I taught mission prep on teaching with the spirit. I was going through my MTC journals and my mission blog posts and I always think about that glorious 18 months as a full time missionary. It was joy filled, and hard, and the best ever. I miss it, and the people, and the personal dedication to the gospel.
I always point out to Chris when we’re matching. He usually doesn’t see it but I pretend he sometimes likes to dress to match me haha. I like matching sometimes. Anyway, today our color schemes were nice and neutral and matchy so I insisted we take a picture after church. The picture didn’t turn out swell, but we’re in it and so is our house and my Subaru dream wagon, so it works great.

The fireweed surely is a blooming this time of year! Hills are getting nice and pink. And the weather for most of the summer has been stellar. But I’m tired and want to rest and sit at home and tidy. :) As beautiful and fun filled as summer has been, I’m looking forward to some winter hibernation.

I stopped at my dad’s house today and saw this gem of a picture. Cabin days. It’s a pretty good life.


  • Reply alyssa 3 August 2015 at 11:26

    heyyyyy! great post. i love the matchy matchy look and the boat picture should be in a magazine. Im glad you guys went to the temple and had that lady with you and a great time. i went visiting teaching yesterday and to church and relief society too. i really dont like doing any of that stuff honestly…. i realize its probably because i dont have a chelsea to go with or be with at those women things….. so i decided yesterday i need to be a chelsea to others… and a chelsea is like christ so yahhh…. great for being you and making everyone happy and enjoy even those things that are so dumb.

  • Reply Kirstin Ballentine Fellars 25 August 2015 at 21:16

    Love the photos! You and Chris are so cute and I love the memories that came from the old photo of your family. Isn’t is sweet how Jakey has his cheek on Stacey’s shoulder. Happy end of summer!

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