It was sad taking my nametag off.
I’m home now. Adjusting to returned missionary life. Tis great with minha familia.
18 months in Brasil, and I come home to this beauty land.
I said goodbye to my dear Vitoria.
Said see you soon to dear elders.
Had a fun last day with my Brasilian family, as Sorvetes!
Lovely last dinner and festinha with the Araujos and a few elders at the mission home.
Enjoyed an afternoon with minhas Sisteres.
Tchau Quissama. Ate logo. Best farewell party ever.
Ezio and Jeane, two of my most favorite people in this world.
My last trip to Sitio Bom Fim, doing Nilton’s baptism interview, fetching starfruit, pomegranate, and oranges from the trees.
the last almoco, sunday lunch
Jaaaaymeee and trio de poder
We feed the spiritually hungry and the physically hungry.
The Easter Bunny came.
one of the best baptisms and confirmations everrrrr. eleitos!
We had one of Quissama’s best atividades!
fetching fruit from the trees with the elders
We love our dear elders.
uma palavra. SIRIGUELA. best fruit I have ever met.
getting our jamelao on our morning run
We had grrrrreat bicicleta fun!
played on the beach and communed with the sea
my beautiful companions made CHEESE with cow’s milk that Raimundo gave us
ate yummy vegetarian food with gooood people. we help them. they help us.
and another delicious lunch and beach party with our eleitos
I had a happy birthday. I’m 23. :)
Jorge who has 76 years. Jorge is 76 years old and is so lovely.
BICICLETAS! Changed our lives. Obrigada Senhor.
We may or may not have left mission boundaries. Oops. Hello Missao Rio de Janeiro!
And we started it all out moving houses. Twas lovely.
Me and the Cunhazinha took our 7 hour onibus trip to Vitoria, where I renewed my visa, and where we picked up our dear Sista Nicascio! And then it all began…