
Hoppy New Year!!!

23 January 2012

Happy day after Christmas! 
Yesterday I opened a lovely Christmas english cracker and would like to share a nice little joke… hehe
Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A: A fsh.
heheehee kkk cracks me up every time! 
I love Christmas and giving (and of course it’s nice to receive) presents. It is so lovely to give. 
At midnight on Christmas eve, dear Sister Cunha and I read some St. Luke chapter 2 about the birth of Jesus and then we opened some chocolicious presentes and then Christmas morning finished opening our lovely little Christmas presents under our nice paper tree. :) Christmas as a missionary is a bit different (especially when you’re in Quissamã, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, and it is wicked hot), but Christmas is so very splendid!
The best part was the skype festa with my beautiful family yesterday! Woo hoo! 
We also had a grand Christmas turkey lunch with a member’s family in the roça. Roça is like farm, bush, boondocks, don’t know the translation. But we were in a lovely little house surrounded by lovely green fields with scrumdiddlyumptious fruit trees too.
Other news from the week, João is getting baptized and confirmed! He is so good and just gets better every day and every visit. He has the desire to go to church and to get baptized and things are going nice and smooth with teaching him. Oh how I love the elect! Que bênção. It is pretty much not the easiest thing in the world to get people to go to church, but when they want to go, they go. When we teach people and the want to keep the committments, they keep them, if they don’t want to, they don’t. So basically, if we really want to do something, we’ll do it. Where there’s a will there’s a way. 
And Sister Cunha and I are loving this transfer and there’s so much to do and so many people to visit and pretty much all of our lessons are with members. We bring the members with us pretty much all day long. This transfer is and will be full of miracles! Woo hoo! 
Well tis time to go, I’ve got some water and bananas to buy. :) But I’ll end with my other english cracker joke:
Q: What did the alien say to the garden?
A: Take me to your weeder.
Claaassic. :) You’re killing me smalls.
Muito obrigada for the letters and prayers and all of the good and lovely things you are all doing for others. Service is at the heart of the gospel. We’ve just got to love everyone. Woo hoo! Amo vocês! 
And of course…
HOPPY New Year! 

1 Comment

  • Reply Stefanie Hathaway 23 January 2012 at 02:21

    So great- Chelsea is just the same! LOVE her! So positive! The pictures of skyping with the family are great. And so happy she’s still wearing the parrot earrings :) much love!

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