Monday: was a lovely P-day! I ate a cute little fish and had a wonderful FHE with wonderful wonderful people. We talked about eternal life. Yay!
Tuesday: Dad’s birthday, my 11 month mark too. Had a very lovely morning study time and then we headed to lunch. I left the house kind of sad. Then as my companion was sharing a message with the family where we ate lunch, I started to cry. Couldn’t really stop. The lovely sisters gave me hugs, but I just wanted to hug my family. So we went home, I laid on my bed, read letters from my family, and cried, feeling more homesick than ever before. Took a little nap and woke up two hours later feeling better. The sisters brought açaí to our house and we had a little açaí feast and then a bit later we taught a lovely family.
Wednesday: Our dear Presidente e Sister Araújo came here to Aracruz and I talked with Presidente and he gave me a blessing and he asked if I wanted to call home. Crying I replied yes. Yay yay! Then we went to lunch with the Araújos and came home and Presidente handed me his phone and I called my dearest família and felt much much much better and now I’m doing great and am normal and happy again.
Thursday: Went to Ibiraçu and did lots of visits with dear Luana.
Friday: Had a lovely visit with the wonderful family we’re teaching. We had juice and cake and talked about the Plan of Salvation. :) They’re getting married, but first he has to get divorced. They should be getting baptized in a month. :)
Saturday: Lovely times with lovely members. And lots and lots of lessons. And a very wonderful activity where Shrek 4 was on and lots of yummy food. Yay! I love these peeps of Aracruz. A lot.
Sunday: Wonderful church. Had 11 investigators there! Yay! But 4 of them left early. :( We are teaching some fantastic souls, they just have to choose to follow what they’re learning.
Twas a grand week. My love and gratidude for everything that happens grows everyday. And it just amazes how minutely Heavenly Father works in every aspect of our lives. As a wise soul once told me, “Not even a falling leaf goes unnoticed by God.” :) He knows us all and what is best for us!
I do believe this is my last week here in Aracruz. More than 5 months I’ve been here. It is most likely time for change.
Boa semana para vocês!