I got to give a lovely talk in church yesterday about overcoming out challenges and difficulties. I learned a lot. Basically life is full of ups and downs. It has to be. If we don’t have downs, we can’t have ups. This week for me was most definintely full of ups and downs, some hardddd (and wicked hot) days, but then saturday and sunday came and things turned wonderful again.
But 2 Nephi 2:11 opposition is necessary to our Heavnely Father’s plan of happniess. And as we develop Christ like attributes, we learn so much from our trials and afflictions and realize that they our for our benefit. Tudo vai dar certo, tá bom? Tá ótimo. :)
I’m meeting so most wonderful peeps here, such lovely souls. But it’s so interesting how when sunday comes around, they disappear off the face of the earth and don’t show up at church. Hmm…. But sometimes when I meet people or talk with them on the street, I look at them and it’s like hmmm… I know them from somewhere. Yep.
We had zone conference and it was celestial! Elder Claudio R. M. Costa and his wife were here! Chique demais. I learned soooo much and I’m soooo grateful we have prophets and apostles to lead us through these hard times. And it was so lovely to be with the dear missionaries of our dear mission.
And I got a nice little pile of mail (and a Liahona) and muitos mahalos for my favorites Cottams, Tingy, Mum, and Christine Tietjen. I love mail! And I got a nice box from me mum with chocolate and peanut butter and all sorts of goodies. Unfotunately, the chocolate went out rather quickly. :) I seem to have a problem with that.
Well enjoy the pictures from this week, they’re perhaps kind of random, like always, but have some signifacance for me. :)