Dear Blog:
Transfers again! Thank goodness I’m staying here in Aracruz for at least another transfer!
But my dear companion Sister Barbosa is heading home. And Sister Felizardo, another sister who lives with us, is going home too. But Sister Dias and I are staying here together and we”ll be getting at least one brand new sister in our house and maybe another sister or two too! This next transfer will be fantastico!
I”m so so grateful that the Lord guided Sister Barbosa and I to the two elect souls that baptized April 30. And I’m so so grateful he put another one of the elect in our path this week. Her name is Fernanda and in our first lesson with her she said she had no doubt that all we taught was true.
Aaaand, as we were walkign to church on Sunday, she was saying how she’s looking for a religion and wants to get baptized, so yes. I followed a nice little prompting and invited her to get baptized in the church of Jesus Christ, and she’s getting baptized May 28th! TWill be most excellent!
I just love all of this so much and am so glad I’ve got another 11 months here to save souls. This is the best thing ever! This is the best day ever!
Love you peeps muitos. Tchau!