In honor of National Limerick Day, here are two limericks that Bro. Skinner told us on the bus, I think in Jordan, and I think when the Matthew bus broke down. Bro. Skinner is super cool. So are those girls pictured to the left. They love limericks.
There was an enchanting young bride
who ate many green apples and died.
The apples fermented
inside the lamented
and made cider inside her inside.
There was a young fellow named Clyde
who fell in an outhouse and died.
Along came his brother
and fell in another
and now they’re interred side by side.
Had class today from 7:30 – 12.
Went to the beach. :D
Played at a dear amiga’s house.
I love school. And I really love friends.
And I especially love BYUH, there is no better school for me.