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January 2010

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Ninth Day of Christmas

3 January 2010

nine ladies dancing
[the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love. joy. peace. patience. kindness.generosity. faithfulness. gentleness. self control.]

Jake left today.
I’m really going to miss that good brother of mine.

Alaska, Uncategorized

The Eighth Day of Christmas

2 January 2010

eight maids a-milking

[the eight beatitudes – blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness]
[zero enhancing done on this picture. this is just the natural beauty of kackemak bay.]
The day began beautifully with a cool, crisp, sunrise beach walk with my favorite Cody boy.
Twas the most perfect way to begin 2010.
I had great expectations for this new beginning of a day, but it wasn’t really that great.
We all just sat around and didn’t do much.
Boring and unfulfilled.
I really don’t like those days.
But I guess they happen to everyone once in a while.
Beautiful new day coming tomorrow though.
Alaska, Uncategorized

The Seventh Day of Christmas

1 January 2010

seven swans a-swimming
[the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy]

Last day of 2009.
Twas good. Very good.

Went on a delightful beach walk with Cody boy.
I love the beach. So much.

Partied at the Keintz Party Palace with my most favorite family and some good friends. I love those parties over there.

Watched some magical fireworks.
Wore some sweet glasses that said “2010!”
Twas a good night.

I bid thee farewell 2009.
And a warm welcome to 2010.